Peptide Mapping - Agilent BioHPLC Columns Application Compendium
Příručky | | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
Spotřební materiál, LC/TOF, LC/HRMS, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS, LC kolony, LC/SQ
ZaměřeníKlinická analýza
VýrobceAgilent Technologies
Klíčová slovapeptide, mapping, page, contents, back, advancebio, cdr, peptides, assaymap, agilent, min, map, pqas, attributes, msd, diqmtqspstlsasvgdr, infinitylab, nistmab, time, oxidation, deamidated, stress, norm, protein, monitoring, columns, mix, mass, tkpreeqynstyr, multiple, prep, deamidation, openlab, using, gfypsdiavewesngqpennyk, sequence, biotherapeutics, separation, spec, charge, solution, vtnmdpadtatyycar, resolution, sheath, digestion, data, sample, identically, trypsin, reproducibility
Podobná PDF
Monitoring Product Quality Attributes of Biotherapeutics at the Peptide Level Using the Agilent InfinityLab LC/MSD XT System
2019|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note Pharma & Biopharma Monitoring Product Quality Attributes of Biotherapeutics at the Peptide Level Using the Agilent InfinityLab LC/MSD XT System Authors Linfeng Wu, Lisa Zang, and Guannan Li Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract Single quadrupole (SQ) LC/MS has been…
Klíčová slova
cdr, cdrnistmab, nistmabpqas, pqasattributes, attributesinfinitylab, infinitylabopenlab, openlabstress, stressdeamidation, deamidationmsd, msdoxidation, oxidationchemstation, chemstationdeamidated, deamidatedpeptide, peptidemonitoring, monitoringtkpreeqynstyr
Agilent BioHPLC Columns - Characterization of NIST Monoclonal Antibody Critical Quality Attributes - Application Compendium
2019|Agilent Technologies|Příručky
Agilent BioHPLC Columns Characterization of NIST Monoclonal Antibody Critical Quality Attributes Application Compendium Contents Agilent-NISTmAb Standard (P/N 5191-5744; 5191-5745) was aliquoted from NISTmAb RM 8671 batch. Quality control (QC) testing is performed using Agilent LC-MS system. QC batch release test…
Klíčová slova
mab, mabglycan, glycanadvancebio, advancebiocounts, countsmapping, mappingpeptide, peptideagilent, agilentmonoclonal, monoclonalglycans, glycansmin, mincolumn, columnprotein, proteinmass, massnistmab, nistmabassaymap
Glycan Analysis - Agilent BioHPLC Columns Application Compendium
2020|Agilent Technologies|Příručky
Agilent-NISTmAb Glycan Analysis Agilent BioHPLC Columns Application Compendium Contents Agilent-NISTmAb Standard (P/N 5191-5744; 5191-5745) was aliquoted from NISTmAb RM 8671 batch. Quality control (QC) testing is performed using Agilent LC-MS system. QC batch release test includes aggregate profile, charge variants…
Klíčová slova
glycan, glycanpage, pagecontents, contentsback, backglycans, glycansadvancebio, advancebiomab, mabinstantpc, instantpcmapping, mappingfld, fldmonoclonal, monoclonaleluent, eluentagilent, agilentfluorescence, fluorescencehilic
Peptide Mapping and Quantitation of Oxidation and Deamidation in Monoclonal Antibodies
2024|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note Biopharma/Pharma Peptide Mapping and Quantitation of Oxidation and Deamidation in Monoclonal Antibodies Author Yulan Bian Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract This application note demonstrates an integrated workflow of peptide mapping and quantitation of chemical-induced oxidation and deamidation in monoclonal…
Klíčová slova
oxidation, oxidationdeamidation, deamidationmonoclonal, monoclonalcounts, countspeptide, peptidenistmab, nistmabunmodified, unmodifiedmapping, mappingacquisition, acquisitionquantitation, quantitationmabs, mabssequences, sequencesmab, mabdeamidated, deamidatedrituximab