Size Exclusion Chromatography Method Transfer from a Standard HPLC to an Arc HPLC System
Aplikace | 2020 | WatersInstrumentace
ZaměřeníKlinická analýza
Klíčová slovaarc, hplc, sec, trastuzumab, system, hmw, mab, monoclonal, method, antibody, exclusion, size, transfer, standard, lmw, industry, species, dropping, both, across, waters, valley, chromatography, reproducibly, rsd, peaks, biotherapeutics, integrate, monomer, variants, products, seamless, tight, brief, featured, from, percent, analysis, degradation, along, quantify, cds, transferred, amounts, evaluate, successfully, monitor, top, application, five
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Impact of Instrument and Detector Characteristics on Size Exclusion Chromatography Method Transfer Across Biocompatible UHPLC Systems
2018|Agilent Technologies|Technické články
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] Impact of Instrument and Detector Characteristics on Size Exclusion Chromatography Method Transfer Across Biocompatible UHPLC Systems Zhimin Li, Paula Hong, and Patricia R. McConville Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA APPLICATION BENEFITS ■■ ■■ INTRODUCTION Biocompatible system…
Klíčová slova
hmw, hmwbio, bioarc, arclmw, lmwacquity, acquitypda, pdamonomer, monomerexclusion, exclusionmean, meantransfer, transferrsd, rsdsize, sizesec, secmethod, methodbiocompatible
Size Exclusion Chromatography Method Transfer of a Monoclonal Antibody Across UHPLC Systems
2020|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note Size Exclusion Chromatography Method Transfer of a Monoclonal Antibody Across UHPLC Systems Zhimin Li, Paula Hong, Patricia R. McConville Waters Corporation This is an Application Brief and does not contain a detailed Experimental section. Abstract This application brief…
Klíčová slova
hmw, hmwbio, bioexclusion, exclusionsec, secacquity, acquityarc, arcchromatography, chromatographysize, sizesystem, systemtransfer, transfermethod, methodhmws, hmwsdegradants, degradantsreproduced, reproducedtunable
Impact of LC System Dispersion on the Size-Exclusion Chromatography Analysis of Monoclonal IgG Antibody Aggregates and Fragments: Selecting the Optimal Column for Your Method
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] Impact of LC System Dispersion on the Size-Exclusion Chromatography Analysis of Monoclonal IgG Antibody Aggregates and Fragments: Selecting the Optimal Column for Your Method Stephan M. Koza, Corey E. Reed, and Weibin Chen Waters Corporation, Milford,…
Klíčová slova
hmws, hmwsdispersion, dispersionigg, iggaggregates, aggregatesexclusion, exclusionantibody, antibodyacquity, acquitybio, bioimpact, impactminutes, minutessize, sizemonomer, monomersystem, systemmonoclonal, monoclonaluplc
Expanding Size-Exclusion Chromatography Platform Method Versatility for Monoclonal Antibody Analysis Using Waters XBridge Premier Protein SEC Columns
Application Note Expanding Size-Exclusion Chromatography Platform Method Versatility for Monoclonal Antibody Analysis Using Waters XBridge Premier Protein SEC Columns Stephan M. Koza, Hua Yang, Ying Qing Yu Waters Corporation Abstract Due to their potentially deleterious impact on immunogenic response or…
Klíčová slova
xbridge, xbridgesec, secpremier, premierversatility, versatilityexpanding, expandingmonoclonal, monoclonalexclusion, exclusionprotein, proteinantibody, antibodyplatform, platformsize, sizewaters, waterscolumns, columnschromatography, chromatographymethod