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Difluoroacetic Acid as a Mobile Phase Modifier for LC-MS Analysis of Small Molecules


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Application of Difluoroacetic Acid to Improve Optical and MS Performance in Peptide LC-UV/MS
[ TECHNOLOGY BRIEF ] Application of Difluoroacetic Acid to Improve Optical and MS Performance in Peptide LC-UV/MS Jacob Kellett, Robert Birdsall, and Ying Qing Yu Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA Use of difluoroacetic acid as an ion-pairing agent improves optical…
Klíčová slova
pairing, pairingdifluoroacetic, difluoroaceticoptical, opticalpeptide, peptideagent, agentacid, acidtrifluoroacetic, trifluoroaceticrplc, rplctfa, tfaionhance, ionhancedfa, dfaion, ionformic, formicresponse, responsebrief
Comparing Mobile Phase Additives for the Separation of mAb Tryptic Peptides: A Case Study on Formic, Difluoroacetic, and Trifluoroacetic Acid
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] Comparing Mobile Phase Additives for the Separation of mAb Tryptic Peptides: A Case Study on Formic, Difluoroacetic, and Trifluoroacetic Acid Jennifer M. Nguyen, Xiaoxiao Liu, and Matthew A. Lauber Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA APPLICATION BENEFITS…
Klíčová slova
dfa, dfaseparations, separationstfa, tfatryptic, trypticmab, mabcsh, cshpeptide, peptidepeptides, peptidesbeh, behadditives, additivescomparing, comparingmobile, mobiledeamidated, deamidatedcarbamidomethyl, carbamidomethyldifluoroacetic
Rapid Confirmation of GLP-1 Analog (Liraglutide) Using Agilent InfinityLab LC/MSD iQ
Application Note Biopharmaceuticals Rapid Confirmation of GLP-1 Analog (Liraglutide) Using Agilent InfinityLab LC/MSD iQ Author Abstract Chae-Young Ryu Agilent Technologies, Inc. This application note presents the analysis of liraglutide using the Agilent InfinityLab LC/MSD iQ. When rapid molecular weight confirmation…
Klíčová slova
advancebio, advancebiopeptide, peptidedifluoroacetic, difluoroaceticacid, acidmapping, mappingliraglutide, liraglutidetrifluoroacetic, trifluoroaceticinfinitylab, infinitylabagilent, agilentmsd, msdacidic, acidicformic, formictfa, tfamodifier, modifiercolumn
Improving LC-MS Separations of Peptides with Difluoroacetic Acid Ion Pairing
UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E Improving LC-MS Separations of Peptides with Difluoroacetic Acid Ion Pairing Jennifer M. Nguyen1,2, Xiaoxiao Liu2, and Matthew A. Lauber2 1University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg,…
Klíčová slova
dfa, dfatfa, tfapeptide, peptidecarbamidomethyl, carbamidomethylstate, statetryptic, trypticsodium, sodiumcharge, chargebeh, behminimizing, minimizingbpi, bpimapping, mappingpotassium, potassiummab, mabmobile
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