Treat Yourself to Good Chromatography - Tips and tricks
Prezentace | 2019 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
Spotřební materiál, LC kolony
ZaměřeníVýrobceAgilent Technologies
Klíčová slovayourself, treat, restricted, good, agilent, chromatography, column, min, mobile, phase, volume, mau, your, buffers, buffer, hplc, dwell, time, shutdown, fitting, make, indestructible, shape, ionizable, organic, change, berberine, columns, inline, choice, extracolumn, quick, connecting, sample, system, tips, dissolves, instrument, acetonitrile, pressure, lifetime, supplies, guard, retention, peak, imipramine, pka, flow, gradient, silica
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New To HPLC - Avoiding Beginner Pitfalls
2013|Agilent Technologies|Prezentace
New To HPLC Avoiding Beginner Pitfalls Rita Steed LC Columns Application Engineer April 24, 2013 Outline Instrument • Connections • Performance • Detector Column • Characteristics • Lifetime Method Conditions • Mobile phase • pH • Temperature…
Klíčová slova
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Things You May Not Know or May Have Forgotten
2019|Agilent Technologies|Prezentace
Things You May Not Know or May Have Forgotten Rita Steed LC Columns Application Engineer June 13, 2019 1 6/13/2019 Agilent Restricted Outline Column dimensions • Scaling up or down Take care of your column • Dirty column Mobile phase…
Klíčová slova
restricted, restrictedagilent, agilentvolume, volumecolumn, columnmobile, mobilephase, phasedwell, dwellmau, maubuffer, bufferyour, yourchiral, chiralgradient, gradientmin, mintubing, tubingmicrobial
There’s a lot to Learn: Tips for Avoiding Pitfalls
2015|Agilent Technologies|Prezentace
There’s a lot to Learn: Tips for Avoiding Pitfalls Mark Powell LC Columns Application Engineer January 19, 2015 Overview Instrument • Connections • Performance Column • Characteristics • Lifetime Method • Mobile phase • Temperature Sample • Cleanup • Injection…
Klíčová slova
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Getting Off to a Good Start - The makings of a reliable method
2020|Agilent Technologies|Prezentace
Getting Off to a Good Start The makings of a reliable method Rita Steed LC Columns Application Engineer January 16, 2020 The Importance of Developing a Reliable Method* Scenario: You’re trying to reproduce an experiment in a journal article but…
Klíčová slova
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