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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.

Deep Proteomic Coverage Using Fast and Sensitive FAIMSDevice Coupled to a Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribid Mass Spectrometer

Postery | 2018 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
Iontová mobilita, LC/HRMS, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS, LC/Orbitrap
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slova
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Reliable and Deep Proteome Coverage by Gas-Phase Fractionation of Peptides with a FAIMS Pro Interface on a Modified Quadrupole Orbitrap
Reliable and Deep Proteome Coverage by Gas-Phase Fractionation of Peptides with a FAIMS Pro Interface on a Modified Quadrupole Orbitrap Julia Kraegenbring1, Tabiwang N. Arrey1, Michael W. Belford2, Satendra Prasad2, Kerstin Strupat1, Markus Kellmann1, Thomas Moehring1, and Alexander Harder1 1Thermo…
Klíčová slova
faims, faimspeptide, peptidegroups, groupspsm, psmprotein, proteinpercentage, percentageorbitrap, orbitrappeptides, peptidesagc, agcpro, promass, massbaseline, baselinecompensation, compensationproteome, proteomenano
Maximizing Proteome Coverage with Advanced Peak Determination Algorithm on Tribrid Mass Spectrometers
Maximizing Proteome Coverage with Advanced Peak Determination Algorithm on Tribrid Mass Spectrometers Helene L. Cardasis1, Graeme C. McAlister1, Christian Thoeing2, Philip Remeš1, Andreas Kuehn2, Mike Senko1, Shannon Eliuk1, Romain Huguet1, Vlad Zabrouskov1. 1Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA; 2Thermo Fisher…
Klíčová slova
apd, apdtribrid, tribridfusion, fusionorbitrap, orbitraplumos, lumosadvanced, advanceddetermination, determinationlegacy, legacypeptides, peptidespeak, peakalgorithm, algorithmpsms, psmsidentifications, identificationsmass, masspierce
Maximizing proteome coverage through improved on-line Orbitrap peak determination
Maximizing proteome coverage through improved on-line Orbitrap peak determination Graeme C. McAlister1, Christian Thoeing2, Helene L. Cardasis1, Alex S. Hebert3, Romain Huguet1, Philip Remeš1, Andreas Kuehn2, Mike Senko1, Shannon Eliuk1, Joshua J. Coon3, Vlad Zabrouskov1; 1Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose,…
Klíčová slova
thrash, thrashapd, apdalgorithm, algorithmpeptides, peptidesdetermination, determinationpeak, peakorbitrap, orbitraptribrid, tribridmonoisotopic, monoisotopicadvanced, advancedlumos, lumosidentifications, identificationsthermo, thermofusion, fusionthousands
Comprehensive Evaluation of Bottom-up Proteomics using an Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid Mass Spectrometer with FAIMS Pro Interface
Comprehensive Evaluation of Bottom-up Proteomics using an Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid Mass Spectrometer with FAIMS Pro Interface Yue Zhou, Mo Hu, Min Huang, Xiangyun Yang, Jing Li, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Building 6, 27 Xinjinqiao Road, Shanghai, China, 210006 ABSTRACT RESULTS…
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faims, faimspro, prointerface, interfaceorbitrap, orbitrapproteomics, proteomicsevaluation, evaluationdigest, digestcrosslinks, crosslinksbox, boxbundled, bundleddss, dssphosphoproteomics, phosphoproteomicsbottom, bottomoutperformed, outperformedhardware
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