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Determination of Nitrosamine impurities in Pregabalin drug substance using Triple Quadrupole Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry


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Determination of Nitrosamine impurities in Losartan Potassium drug substance using Triple Quadrupole Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
Poster Reprint ASMS 2020 WP 555 Determination of Nitrosamine impurities in Losartan Potassium drug substance using Triple Quadrupole Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Chander Mani ,Saikat Banerjee and Samir Vyas (Agilent Technologies, India.) Introduction The announcement for the recall of ARB…
Klíčová slova
losartan, losartannitrosamine, nitrosaminenmba, nmbaneipa, neipandipa, ndipandba, ndbandea, ndeandma, ndmapotassium, potassiumsubstance, substanceimpurities, impuritiesdrug, drugapci, apcirecovery, recoverymethod
Highly Sensitive LC-MS/MS Method for Simultaneous and Trace Level Quantification of Ten Nitrosamine Impurities in Olmesartan Medoxomil
Poster Reprint ASMS 2021 Poster number FP744 Highly Sensitive LC-MS/MS Method for Simultaneous and Trace Level Quantification of Ten Nitrosamine Impurities in Olmesartan Medoxomil Chidella Kartheek Srinivas1, Saikat Banerjee1, Kannan Balakrishnan1 , Samir Vyas2 1Agilent Technologies India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore,…
Klíčová slova
nitrosamine, nitrosamineolmesartan, olmesartanimpurities, impuritiesnpyr, npyrnpip, npipnmpa, nmpandma, ndmanmba, nmbanmea, nmearecovery, recoveryneipa, neipandipa, ndipamethod, methodmedoxomil, medoxomilndba
Simultaneous Determination of Eight Nitrosamine Impurities in Metformin Extended-Release Tablets Using the Agilent 6470 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS
Application Note Pharmaceutical Small Molecules Simultaneous Determination of Eight Nitrosamine Impurities in Metformin Extended-Release Tablets Using the Agilent 6470 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS Detection of regulated genotoxic impurities from the drug manufacturing process Authors Chander Mani, Kartheek Srinivas Chidella, Saikat Banerjee,…
Klíčová slova
nitrosamine, nitrosaminenmpa, nmpandipa, ndipandpa, ndpandba, ndbaneipa, neipandea, ndeanmba, nmbandma, ndmaresponses, responsesimpurities, impuritiesmetformin, metformindrug, drugeight, eightconcentration
Highly Sensitive Quantification of Nitrosamines in Polymer-based Therapeutics -  A Case Study of Sevelamer Hydrochloride 800mg Tablets
Poster Reprint ASMS 2021 Poster number FP745 Highly Sensitive Quantification of Nitrosamines in Polymer-based Therapeutics-A Case Study of Sevelamer Hydrochloride 800mg Tablets​ Chidella Kartheek Srinivas1, Saikat Banerjee1, Kannan Balakrishnan1 , Samir Vyas2 1Agilent Technologies India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India 2Agilent…
Klíčová slova
sevelamer, sevelamernitrosamine, nitrosamineneipa, neipandipa, ndipandpa, ndpaimpurities, impuritiesndba, ndbandea, ndeandma, ndmanitrosamines, nitrosaminesrecovery, recoverydrug, drugsix, sixmethod, methodpolymer
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