Brožury a specifikace | 2016 | MerckInstrumentace
SPME, Příprava vzorků, Spotřební materiál, LC kolony
ZaměřeníProteomika, Metabolomika
Klíčová slovaprotein, sigma, tskgel, tools, isotec, peptide, labeled, proteins, kit, proteomics, silumab, columns, mass, peptides, spectrometry, proteoprep, description, stat, lysis, hybridspe, stable, proteomass, hplc, phospholipid, amplifex, itraq, maldi, supel, reagents, size, universal, trypsin, serum, isotope, seppro, depletion, medium, reagent, benefits, metabolite, features, acid, carbonyl, sample, inhibitor, product, depleted, weak, metabolomics, bioshell
Podobná PDF
LC-MS Resource Guide
LC-MS Resource Guide A Comprehensive Portfolio for Consistent Results in Routine and Advanced LC-MS applications The life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada. LC-MS Resource Guide Maximize the Performance of Your…
Klíčová slova
chromolith, chromolithzic, ziccustom, customhybridspe, hybridspephase, phasecolumn, columnresource, resourcehplc, hplcguard, guardmobile, mobileproteins, proteinshilic, hiliccolumns, columnsdsc, dsclichrosolv
Protein sample preparation and quantitation for mass spectrometry
2017|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Příručky
Protein sample preparation and quantitation for mass spectrometry Reagents, consumables, instrumentation, and software for proteomics research Contents Introduction 4 Workflows 8 Protein sample preparation Introduction Sample lysis and protein extraction Pierce Mass Spec Sample Prep Kit for Cultured…
Klíčová slova
protein, proteinpierce, piercepeptide, peptideproteins, proteinspeptides, peptidesspin, spinkit, kitenrichment, enrichmentthermo, thermoquantitation, quantitationmass, massscientific, scientificdigestion, digestionyes, yessample
New tools for improved proteomics results
2022|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
Proteomics New tools for improved proteomics results Sample preparation, quantitation, and instrument calibration reagents for proteomic mass spectrometry Introduction We offer a complete portfolio of sample preparation, protein quantitation, and instrument calibration solutions and standards designed for better mass spectrometry…
Klíčová slova
surequant, surequanteasypep, easypepprotein, proteinpierce, piercephosphopeptide, phosphopeptidetmtpro, tmtprotbdspp, tbdsppakt, aktpeptide, peptidethermo, thermodisuccinimidyl, disuccinimidylkit, kitscientific, scientificdspp, dspppeptides
Sample preparation for mass spectrometry
2014|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
Thermo Scientific Pierce Products for Mass Spectrometry Sample Preparation sample preparation for mass spectrometry Tools and reagents to extract, digest, enrich and clean up proteins and peptides table of contents Thermo Scientific Pierce Products for Mass Spectrometry Sample Preparation Introduction…
Klíčová slova
pierce, pierceprotein, proteininhibitor, inhibitorphosphatase, phosphataseprotease, proteaseenrichment, enrichmentthermo, thermokit, kitscientific, scientificspin, spinstain, stainordering, orderingproteins, proteinsdigestion, digestionpeptide