New Developments in GC, HPLC and Sample Prep at Supelco
Prezentace | 2014 | MerckInstrumentace
GC, SPME, Příprava vzorků, GC kolony, Spotřební materiál, HPLC, LC kolony
Klíčová slovahybridspe, isocyanates, particles, isocyanate, porous, min, titan, silica, fiber, time, dba, refrigerate, fames, phospholipids, hplc, phvo, recover, sep, dibutylamine, phospholipid, sampling, evaporate, core, sizing, polar, size, filter, monodispersity, supelco, sampler, field, particle, envicarb, distribution, denuder, impinger, fused, column, pls, silicas, prep, piperazine, diisocyanate, monodisperse, gradients, zirconia, backpressure, hdi, lewis, anthracene
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2016|Merck|Brožury a specifikace
TOOLS FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY PROTEOMICS AND METABOLOMICS | | | Navigate toward Metabolomic discovery. Target your metabolism research with comprehensive metabolomic resources from Sigma® Life Science. Bionavigate. Sigma Life Science metabolites, enzymes, separation tools and technologies help you navigate the…
Klíčová slova
protein, proteinsigma, sigmatskgel, tskgeltools, toolsisotec, isotecpeptide, peptidelabeled, labeledproteins, proteinskit, kitproteomics, proteomicssilumab, silumabcolumns, columnsmass, massspectrometry, spectrometrypeptides
Sample Prep for Chromatography
Sample Prep for Chromatography Sorbents, Devices and Techniques to Improve Sensitivity, Specificity and Throughput 2010 Innovation Seminar Series Supelco, Div. of Sigma-Aldrich Time Spend on the Analytical Process R.E. Majors, LC/GC Magazine, 1992, 1997, 2002 2 Real World & Real…
Klíčová slova
hybridspe, hybridspeprep, prepppt, pptspe, spemip, mipspme, spmesample, samplematrix, matrixmolecularly, molecularlyimprinted, imprintedanalyte, analytesupelmip, supelmipbioanalysis, bioanalysisfiber, fiberparticles
LC-MS Resource Guide
LC-MS Resource Guide A Comprehensive Portfolio for Consistent Results in Routine and Advanced LC-MS applications The life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada. LC-MS Resource Guide Maximize the Performance of Your…
Klíčová slova
chromolith, chromolithzic, ziccustom, customhybridspe, hybridspephase, phasecolumn, columnresource, resourcehplc, hplcguard, guardmobile, mobileproteins, proteinshilic, hiliccolumns, columnsdsc, dscguide
HybridSPE™ - Precipitation Technology - Bridging the Gap between Simplicity & Selectivity in Sample Prep
HybridSPE™ - Precipitation Technology Bridging the Gap between Simplicity & Selectivity in Sample Prep Updated: Mar 13 ‘09 T408104 Agenda • Introduction • HybridSPE-PPT (How does it work?) • LC Column Phospholipid Accumulation • Comparative Studies • Phospholipid Removal…
Klíčová slova
hybridspe, hybridspeppt, pptplasma, plasmaphospholipid, phospholipidrat, ratketoprofen, ketoprofendog, dogrecovery, recoverymecn, mecnmoderate, moderatephospholipids, phospholipidsprotein, proteinacid, acidmeoh, meohchelator