A rapid LC-MS/MS method to measure simultaneously IDUA, IDS, NAGLU, GALNS and ASRB enzymes activities in dried blood spots
Postery | 2019 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
ZaměřeníKlinická analýza
Klíčová slovamps, phenyl, substrate, mpsiiib, mpsiva, mpsvi, mpsi, mpsii, product, butyl, penty, iiib, galactosyl, lysosomal, acetyl, iva, shake, layers, measure, iduronosy, iduronosyl, umole, glucosyl, mpss, amed, lsds, mucopolysaccharidoses, hydrolases, glycosaminoglycans, ion, column, simultaneously, catabolism, punch, add, ethyl, cocktail, compound, deficiency, precursor, incubate, methyl, disorders, techniques, nexeratm, quench, program, msms, flow, mrms
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