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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.

Quantitation of Human Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 and 2 by MRM LC-MS/MS with Scheduled Ionization


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LC-MS/MS Quantification of Intact Insulin-Like Growth Factor I  (IGF-I) in Serum for Clinical Research
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] LC-MS/MS Quantification of Intact Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) in Serum for Clinical Research Nikunj Tanna, Mary Lame, Mark Wrona, and Erin Chambers Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA APPLICATION BENEFITS ■■ ■■ INTRODUCTION Direct quantification of…
Klíčová slova
igf, igfserum, seruminsulin, insulinintact, intactquantification, quantificationgrowth, growthspe, spefactor, factorlike, likearea, areahuman, humanoasis, oasisnote, noteppt, pptmouse
High-Throughput Targeted Lipidomics Analysis of Dihydroceramide Desaturase-1 (DES1) Knockout Mice
High-Throughput Targeted Lipidomics Analysis of Dihydroceramide Desaturase-1 (DES1) Knockout Mice Targeted Lipidomics on the QTRAP® 6500+ System Mackenzie Pearson1, Santosh Kapil Kumar Gorti1, Trevor S. Tippets2; Bhagirath Chaurasia2; Scott A. Summers2 1 SCIEX, USA; 2University of Utah, Dept of Nutrition…
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lipid, lipiddihydroceramides, dihydroceramidestargeted, targetedmrm, mrmadipose, adiposeceramides, ceramideslipidomics, lipidomicschanges, changesscheduled, scheduledliver, liverknockout, knockoutmethod, methodlipids, lipidsbroad, broadbhe
Quantitation Analysis of Human Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF1) in Serum by Using SPE-LC-MS/MS Workflow
Quantitation Analysis of Human Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF1) in Serum by Using SPE-LC-MS/MS Workflow Featuring SCIEX Triple Quad TM 4500 and QTRAP® 4500 Systems Ji Luo1, Lihai Guo1, Wenhai Jin1, Lei Xiong2 1 SCIEX, China; 2SCIEX, USA Human insulin-like…
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hormone, hormoneautocrine, autocrineparacrine, paracrinetheorical, theoricalgrowth, growthparameter, parameterquantification, quantificationmediating, mediatingvalue, valuesource, sourceplate, platepeptide, peptidesample, samplenormalize, normalizephase
Overview of LC-MS Quantitative Solutions for Biotherapeutic Analysis
Overview of LC-MS Quantitative Solutions for Biotherapeutic Analysis Featuring SCIEX Instrumentation and Technologies Lei Xiong, Elliott Jones SCIEX, Redwood City, California, USA Figure 1. Summary of SCIEX Quantitative Solutions and Instrumentations to Solve Analytical Challenges in Biotherapeutic Industry. Darkest green…
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sciex, sciexmrmhr, mrmhrworkflow, workflowprotein, proteinmicrolc, microlcquantification, quantificationmrm, mrmions, ionsswath, swathqtrap, qtrapquantitation, quantitationhrams, hramsspectrometers, spectrometersmobility, mobilityfeaturing
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.