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Overview of LC-MS Quantitative Solutions for Biotherapeutic Analysis


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MicroLC-MRM Workflow for Cyclic Peptide Quantitation in Human Plasma
MicroLC-MRMHR Workflow for Cyclic Peptide Quantitation in Human Plasma Featuring the SCIEX TripleTOF® 6600+ System with OptiFlow™ Turbo V Source and M5 MicroLC system Ji Jiang, Rahul Baghla and Lei Xiong SCIEX, Redwood City, California, USA Introduction In biotherapeutics discovery…
Klíčová slova
mrmhr, mrmhrmicrolc, microlcdesmopressin, desmopressinbioanalysis, bioanalysisparameter, parameterphase, phasevalue, valuemicroflow, microflowsensitivity, sensitivitycyclic, cyclicmobile, mobileflow, flowworkflow, workflowquantitation, quantitationpreclinical
Multiple Mass Spectrometric Strategies for High Selectivity Quantification of Proteins and Peptides
Multiple Mass Spectrometric Strategies for High Selectivity Quantification of Proteins and Peptides Solve the Most Challenging Quantitative Problems with QTRAP® 5500 System Sahana Mollah, Christie Hunter SCIEX, USA There has been an exponential increase in the number of ‘potential’ protein…
Klíčová slova
mrm, mrmbnp, bnpqtrap, qtrapdms, dmsdifferential, differentialmobility, mobilityselectivity, selectivitysim, simselexion, selexionpeptide, peptidestrategies, strategiesquantitation, quantitationmonitoring, monitoringquantitative, quantitativebased
High Selectivity Quantification of Protein Isoforms using MRM3 Workflow
High Selectivity Quantification of Protein Isoforms using MRM3 Workflow CYP450 Isoform Quantification Using the QTRAP® 4500 System Kelli Jonakin, Christie Hunter SCIEX, USA The cytochrome P450 protein superfamily of mono-oxygenases is the major phase-I enzyme system responsible for metabolism of…
Klíčová slova
selectivity, selectivitytrap, trappeptides, peptidesions, ionsproduct, productsecondary, secondaryquantification, quantificationspecificity, specificityion, ionlinear, linearfragmentation, fragmentationspeeds, speedshigh, highprovides, providesunique
Ultra-Sensitive Quantification of Trastuzumab Emtansine in Mouse Plasma using Trap-Elute MicroLC MS Method
Ultra-Sensitive Quantification of Trastuzumab Emtansine in Mouse Plasma using Trap-Elute MicroLC MS Method Featuring SCIEX QTRAP® 6500+ System with OptiFlow™ Turbo V source and M5 MicroLC system Lei Xiong, Ji Jiang, and Remco van Soest SCIEX, Redwood City, California, USA…
Klíčová slova
microflow, microflowimmunoaffinity, immunoaffinitymicrolc, microlcflow, flowphase, phasemobile, mobilerate, rateemtansine, emtansineslurry, slurryvalue, valuetrap, trapparameter, parameterquantification, quantificationelute, elutebead
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.