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California and Oregon’s Complete Residual Pesticide Analysis using a Shimadzu LCMS 8060
Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry SSI-LCMS-105 California and Oregon’s Complete Residual Pesticide Analysis using a Shimadzu LCMS8060 Summary: California and Oregon’s residual pesticide list for cannabis traditionally have been analyzed using both LCMS and GCMS because certain compounds do not ionize…
Klíčová slova
esi, esiapci, apcipesticide, pesticidecannabis, cannabisflower, flowerwere, wereionization, ionizationtemperature, temperaturecalifornia, californialcms, lcmsoregon, oregonresidual, residualeach, eachtested, testedanalyzed
A Sensitive and Robust Workflow to Measure Residual Pesticides and Mycotoxins from the Canadian Target List in Dry Cannabis Flower
Application Note Cannabis Testing, Food A Sensitive and Robust Workflow to Measure Residual Pesticides and Mycotoxins from the Canadian Target List in Dry Cannabis Flower Authors Jean-Francois Roy1, Christophe Deckers1, Ron Honnold2, Peter Stone2, Jennifer Hitchcock2, Anthony Macherone2,4, Ben Geiling3,…
Klíčová slova
positive, positiveunder, undercannabis, cannabisextract, extractdevelopment, developmentpyrethrin, pyrethrinadded, addedacidified, acidifiedppb, ppbcyfluthrin, cyfluthrinmin, minendosulfan, endosulfanacquisition, acquisitionpesticides, pesticidesmethyl
A Sensitive and Robust Workflow to Measure Residual Pesticides and Mycotoxins from the Canadian Target List in Dry Cannabis Flower
Application Note Cannabis Testing, Food A Sensitive and Robust Workflow to Measure Residual Pesticides and Mycotoxins from the Canadian Target List in Dry Cannabis Flower Authors Jean-Francois Roy1, Christophe Deckers1, Ron Honnold2, Peter Stone2, Jennifer Hitchcock2, Anthony Macherone2,4, Ben Geiling3,…
Klíčová slova
positive, positiveunder, undercannabis, cannabisextract, extractdevelopment, developmentpyrethrin, pyrethrinadded, addedacidified, acidifiedppb, ppbcyfluthrin, cyfluthrinmin, minendosulfan, endosulfanacquisition, acquisitionpesticides, pesticidesmethyl
Achieving the California Pesticide Regulations in Cannabis Using Optimized APCI and ESI Techniques
Achieving the California Pesticide Regulations in Cannabis Using Optimized APCI and ESI Techniques Diana Tran1, Karl Oetjen1, Robert Di Lorenzo2, Paul Winkler1, Scott Krepich3, KC Hyland1, Christopher Borton1 1 SCIEX, USA, 2SCIEX, Canada, 3Phenomenex, USA Cannabis testing regulations in the…
Klíčová slova
pesticide, pesticideflower, flowercannabis, cannabismrl, mrlcalifornia, californiachlordane, chlordaneapci, apcispinosad, spinosadmatrix, matrixinhalable, inhalableimazalil, imazalilesi, esiresidue, residuecategory, categorypcnb
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