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Comparison of the manual and automated generation of calibration standards

Aplikace | 2017 | CTC AnalyticsInstrumentace
Příprava vzorků
Životní prostředí, Potraviny a zemědělství, Forenzní analýza a toxikologie, Průmysl a chemie, Klinická analýza
CTC Analytics
Klíčová slova
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APPLICATIONS COMPENDIUM FOR AGILENT 7696A SAMPLE PREP WORKBENCH MAINTAIN CONSISTENT, ACCURATE, AND SAFE SAMPLE PREPARATION TABLE OF CONTENTS The table of contents below has been linked to the individual sections in this compendium. Click on the text to jump to…
Klíčová slova
workbench, workbenchsample, samplebisphenol, bisphenoladd, addbpa, bpaprep, preppreparation, preparationstandards, standardscalibration, calibrationagilent, agilentwere, weremethyl, methyldispense, dispenseresource, resourceprepared
Automated Determination of Drugs of Abuse in Hair Samples
GC/MS Application Note Automated Determination of Drugs of Abuse in Hair Samples Automated Determination of Drugs of Abuse in Hair Samples Andrew Ward 1, Emma Beasley 2, Tom Bassindale 2, Geraint Morgan 3 JSB UK & Ireland Biomedical Research…
Klíčová slova
hair, hairautomated, automatedctc, ctcanalytics, analyticsabuse, abusepreparation, preparationdrugs, drugsdilutor, dilutordrug, druginstrumentation, instrumentationsample, samplecrossrail, crossrailfully, fullyassault, assaultgestational
Specifications PAL RTC / RSI including Series II (LC & GC)
Specifications PAL RTC / RSI including Series II (LC & GC)
2019|CTC Analytics|Brožury a specifikace
Specifications PAL RTC / RSI including Series II (LC & GC) PAL is a registered trademark of CTC Analytics AG | Switzerland Imprint Specifications PAL RTC and PAL RSI (LC & GC) Rev 9 Date of print: 04.2019 CTC Analytics…
Klíčová slova
rsi, rsidelay, delayrtc, rtcpal, paldispense, dispensepullup, pullupvolume, volumefill, fillinject, injectspecifications, specificationspenetration, penetrationflow, flowspeed, speedseries, seriesincluding
Specifications for PAL Systems COMBI | GC | LC HTC | HTS | LHX | HTX
SYSTEM Prep and Load Platform Specifications for PAL Systems COMBI | GC | LC HTC | HTS | LHX | HTX Not Valid for PAL-xt Systems Revised March 2013 | V5 PAL is a registered trademark of CTC Analytics AG…
Klíčová slova
del, delinj, injfill, filldeviation, deviationlhx, lhxpullup, pullupinject, injectpst, pstrepeatability, repeatabilityspeed, speedsyringe, syringecln, clncombi, combirelative, relativeagi
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.