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Automated Determination of Drugs of Abuse in Hair Samples


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Comparison of the manual and automated generation of calibration standards
GC & LC Application Note Comparison of the manual and automated generation of calibration standards Comparison of the manual and automated generation of calibration standards Thomas Funke, Chemical and Veterinary Analytical Institute Münsterland-Emscher-Lippe (CVUA-MEL), Münster, Germany Introduction This application…
Klíčová slova
process, processratio, ratioarea, areavariation, variationbenzophenone, benzophenonedeviation, deviationcoefficient, coefficientngs, ngsctc, ctcanalytics, analyticsstandard, standardphenanthrene, phenanthrenemanual, manualcalibration, calibrationdrain
PAL RSI and PAL RTC Sample Prep and Injection
PAL RSI and PAL RTC Sample Prep and Injection
2017|CTC Analytics|Brožury a specifikace
PAL RSI and PAL RTC Sample Prep and Injection PAL System’s new generation of sample preparation and handling instruments. 2 Content Introduction 4-7 Features & Benefits of the PAL RTC and RSI 8-9 PAL RTC 10 - 11 PAL RSI…
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pal, palrtc, rtcmodule, moduletool, toolspme, spmersi, rsisample, samplewash, washvortex, vortexheadspace, headspaceinjection, injectionsyringe, syringevalve, valveconditioning, conditioningaxis
Multi-panel detection of drugs and drug metabolites in hair samples using a comprehensive extraction method
Multi-panel detection of drugs and drug metabolites in hair samples using a comprehensive extraction method Using Scheduled MRM™ Algorithm on the SCIEX QTRAP® 6500+ LC-MS/MS System Pierre Negri1, Samuele Scurati2, and Valentina Longo3 1 SCIEX, US, 2SCIEX, Italy, 3Laboratorio di…
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hair, hairdrug, drugfentanyl, fentanyldoa, doadrugs, drugsreal, realmetabolites, metabolitessubjects, subjectsnps, npsetg, etgsamples, samplesfubinaca, fubinacapanels, panelsenabled, enabledrecent
Shimadzu Journal Vol. 10 - Forensics / Toxicology
Vol ISSUE2 SJ23_0102 ISSN 2188-0484 Forensics / Toxicology Note from the Director Masami Tomita General Manager, Analytical & Measurement Instruments Division I am Masami Tomita, the new General Manager of the Analytical and Measuring Instruments Division. I have replaced Yoshiaki…
Klíčová slova
toxicology, toxicologyhair, hairforensics, forensicsshimadzu, shimadzuinfrared, infraredraman, ramanluiz, luizyou, youpermed, permedairsight, airsightmass, massmicroscope, microscoperesearch, researchdrugs, drugsinsight
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.