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Příručky | 2014 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
GC, GC/MSD, GC/MS/MS, Příprava vzorků, GC/SQ, GC/QQQ, HPLC
Životní prostředí, Potraviny a zemědělství, Průmysl a chemie, Farmaceutická analýza
Agilent Technologies
Klíčová slova
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Analysis of bisphenol A leaching from baby feeding bottles
Agilent Application Solution Analysis of bisphenol A leaching from baby feeding bottles Application Note Consumer Products Author Abstract Syed Salman Lateef Bisphenol A can leach out from the plastic surfaces of food containers and Agilent Technologies, Inc. has been detected…
Klíčová slova
bisphenol, bisphenolbpa, bpabpf, bpfbaby, babybottles, bottlespolycarbonate, polycarbonatefrom, frommethod, methodwere, werelinearity, linearityunknown, unknownarea, areadispense, dispenseuhplc, uhplcheight
Automated Sample Preparation in Quality Control of Eye-Drop Formulation
Automated Sample Preparation in Quality Control of Eye-Drop Formulation Application Note Authors Abstract Bart Tienpont, Maria Rambla Alegre, The Agilent 7696A Sample Prep WorkBench with WeighStation was used in a qual- Frank David, and Pat Sandra ity control method for…
Klíčová slova
chloramphenicol, chloramphenicoldexamethasone, dexamethasonestck, stckweighstation, weighstationconc, concpreparation, preparationweigh, weighworkbench, workbenchmau, maueye, eyesamples, samplestare, tarecalibration, calibrationresource, resourcevials
Agilent 7696A sample prep workbench
Agilent 7696A sample prep workbench
2016|Agilent Technologies|Brožury a specifikace
Consistent, Accurate, and Safe Sample Preparation Agilent 7696A sample prep workbench Enhance the Consistency of Manual Sample Preparation and Standards Development Your results are only as reliable as your sample prep. That is why the Agilent 7696A sample prep workbench…
Klíčová slova
prep, prepagilent, agilentyou, youyour, yourdimethylmaleate, dimethylmaleatemethylcaproate, methylcaproatemethylcaprylate, methylcaprylatemethylheptanoate, methylheptanoatemethylvalerate, methylvaleratevial, vialmanual, manualsample, samplepreparation, preparationglycerol, glycerolbutanetriol
Automated liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) of forensic drugs from plasma
Automated liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) of [dgZch^Xdrugs from plasma Syed Salman Lateef, Sundaram Palaniswamy, Siji Joseph, Vinayak AK HPLC 2013 Poster number: SAMP20_TU Agilent Technologies India Pvt. Ltd, RMZ Centennial, ITPL Road, Bangalore -560048, India Introduction Experimental Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is…
Klíčová slova
workbench, workbenchlle, lledispense, dispensetower, towerdrugs, drugsautomated, automatedliquid, liquidplasma, plasmadilutions, dilutionsvials, vialsserial, serialextraction, extractionprep, prepracks, racksremovable
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.