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Specifications for PAL Systems COMBI | GC | LC HTC | HTS | LHX | HTX

Brožury a specifikace | 2013 | CTC AnalyticsInstrumentace
GC, Příprava vzorků, HPLC
CTC Analytics
Klíčová slova
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Specifications for PAL-xt Systems
Specifications for PAL-xt Systems
2013|CTC Analytics|Brožury a specifikace
-xt SYSTEM Prep and Load Platform -xt Specifications for PAL-xt Systems Valid for PAL-xt System models only Revised March 2013 | V5 PAL is a registered trademark of CTC Analytics AG | Switzerland -xt SYSTEM Content Gravimetric Test 3 Gas…
Klíčová slova
del, delinj, injloop, loopoverfill, overfilldeviation, deviationfill, fillpullup, pullupinject, injectrepeatability, repeatabilityfilling, fillingvolume, volumepst, pstpartial, partialsyringe, syringerelative
PAL3 Series 2 Autosampler
PAL3 Series 2 Autosampler
2024|Agilent Technologies|Brožury a specifikace
Data Sheet PAL3 Series 2 Autosampler Overview for gas chromatography samples General specifications Dimensions 85 cm X-Axis 120 cm X-Axis 160 cm X-Axis Width 915 mm (36.6 in) 1,270 mm (50.8 in) 1768 mm (70.7 in.) Depth 795 mm (31.8…
Klíčová slova
inject, injectdelay, delayfill, fillpullup, pullupflow, flowsplit, splitpenetration, penetrationdimensions, dimensionsinjector, injectordepth, depthspeed, speedvolume, volumetemperature, temperaturemodule, moduleweight
Specifications PAL RTC / RSI including Series II (LC & GC)
Specifications PAL RTC / RSI including Series II (LC & GC)
2019|CTC Analytics|Brožury a specifikace
Specifications PAL RTC / RSI including Series II (LC & GC) PAL is a registered trademark of CTC Analytics AG | Switzerland Imprint Specifications PAL RTC and PAL RSI (LC & GC) Rev 9 Date of print: 04.2019 CTC Analytics…
Klíčová slova
rsi, rsidelay, delayrtc, rtcpal, paldispense, dispensepullup, pullupvolume, volumefill, fillinject, injectspecifications, specificationspenetration, penetrationflow, flowspeed, speedseries, seriesincluding
PAL RSI and PAL RTC Sample Prep and Injection
PAL RSI and PAL RTC Sample Prep and Injection
2017|CTC Analytics|Brožury a specifikace
PAL RSI and PAL RTC Sample Prep and Injection PAL System’s new generation of sample preparation and handling instruments. 2 Content Introduction 4-7 Features & Benefits of the PAL RTC and RSI 8-9 PAL RTC 10 - 11 PAL RSI…
Klíčová slova
pal, palrtc, rtcmodule, moduletool, toolspme, spmersi, rsisample, samplewash, washvortex, vortexheadspace, headspaceinjection, injectionsyringe, syringevalve, valveconditioning, conditioningaxis
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.