Extract Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Water, Using Solid Phase Extraction Disks
Aplikace | 1998 | MerckInstrumentace
Příprava vzorků, Spotřební materiál, HPLC
ZaměřeníŽivotní prostředí
Klíčová slovadisk, disks, polynuclear, aromatic, hydrocarbons, aqj, moder, vydac, envi, sample, water, extract, allow, semivolatiles, apparatus, reservoir, draw, polycyclic, extracting, rinsing, through, pahs, reach, assembly, porous, bottle, conditioning, immediately, note, department, epa, protection, pass, preparation, cleaning, min, details, service, trademarks, separations, contact, glass, see, spe, application, describes, group, according, air, elution
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SPME/HPLC Interface Combines Fast Sample Extraction with Efficient Analysis for Explosives
Application Note 98 SPME/HPLC Interface Combines Fast Sample Extraction with Efficient Analysis for Explosives The SPME/HPLC interface enables HPLC analysts to take advantage of the time and solvent savings offered by SPME. Through the interface, mobile phase contacts the SPME…
Klíčová slova
spme, spmefiber, fiberinterface, interfacehplc, hplcexplosives, explosivesvalve, valvedesorption, desorptionholder, holderchamber, chamberphase, phasemobile, mobileanalysts, analystsstatic, staticseptum, septumcompressing
Supelclean TM Solid Phase Extraction Tubes
1997|Merck|Brožury a specifikace
SupelcleanTM Solid Phase Extraction Tubes Product Specification 912-0348 912-0349 Silica-Based Packing – 40µm particles, 60Å pores, polyethylene frits (except where noted). Description 1mL 100mg pk/108 3mL 500mg pk/27 3mL 500mg pk/54 6mL 500mg pk/20 6mL 500mg pk/30 6mL 1g pk/30…
Klíčová slova
bonded, bondedsilica, silicaalumina, aluminaenvi, enviflorisil, florisilfrits, fritspacking, packingdescription, descriptioncarb, carbdiol, diolteflon, teflonenvitm, envitmsupelcleantm, supelcleantmaug, augbased
TMSI + Pyridine - Product Specification
1997|Merck|Brožury a specifikace
TMSI+Pyridine Product Specification TMSI (N-trimethylsilylimidazole) is the strongest reagent for hydroxyls. It reacts quickly and smoothly with hindered and unhindered hydroxyl and carboxyl groups. TMSI+Pyridine is useful for derivatizing wet sugar samples, hindered hydroxyl groups in steroids and, in conjunction…
Klíčová slova
derivatives, derivativessilyl, silylsilylating, silylatingnch, nchderivatization, derivatizationtms, tmstmsi, tmsistorage, storagereagent, reagentsilylation, silylationhandbook, handbookawr, awrreaction, reactionprocedure, procedurereactions
PAH Analysis in Drinking Water Using Disk SPE Automated with the SPE-DEX 5000
Application Note AN119-HOR PAH ANalysis in Drinking Water Using Disk SPE Automated with the SPE-DEX 5000 Page 1 PAH Analysis in Drinking Water using Disk PAHAutomated Analysis in with Drinking Water using SPE the SPE-DEX 5000Disk SPE Automated with the…
Klíčová slova
mecl, meclbenzo, benzodrinking, drinkingwater, wateroff, offfluoranthene, fluoranthenehorizon, horizonpahs, pahstime, timebiodegrade, biodegradeanthracene, anthracenepyrene, pyreneembraced, embracedlse, lseprominence