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SPME/HPLC Interface Combines Fast Sample Extraction with Efficient Analysis for Explosives

Aplikace | 1997 | MerckInstrumentace
SPME, Příprava vzorků, Spotřební materiál
Nebezpečné látky
Klíčová slova
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New Pharmaceutical and Food & Beverage Applications for SPME/HPLC
TheReporter Reprinted from Volume 15, No. 6, 1996 T296016 © 1999 Sigma-Aldrich Co. For more information, or current prices, contact your nearest Supelco subsidiary listed below. To obtain further contact information, visit our website (, see the Supelco catalog, or…
Klíčová slova
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Solid Phase Microextraction Fiber Assemblies
Solid Phase Microextraction Fiber Assemblies
1999|Merck|Brožury a specifikace
This Data Sheet Contains Important Information About The Product. Solid Phase Microextraction Fiber Assemblies Fiber Assembly Used With SPME Holder 57330-U Fiber Assembly Used With SPME Holders 57331 and 57347-U (For Manual Use) Plain (standard 24 gauge needle) P000815 P000812…
Klíčová slova
plain, plainfiber, fiberbonded, bondedpdms, pdmsnotched, notcheddvb, dvbassemblies, assembliesstableflex, stableflexcar, carhplc, hplchub, hubpolydimethylsiloxane, polydimethylsiloxanedivinylbenzene, divinylbenzeneassembly, assemblyrecommended
USEPA Procedures for Wastewater Analyses by Packed Column GC and HPLC
Bulletin 775E USEPA Procedures for Wastewater Analyses by Packed Column GC and HPLC This bulletin outlines the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s procedures for analyzing 113 organic priority pollutants in wastewater. The chromatographic column or column packing listed by the…
Klíčová slova
confirmational, confirmationalqualifications, qualificationscolumn, columnpollutants, pollutantsbenzo, benzosupelco, supelcobhc, bhcfluoranthene, fluoranthenemin, mindetector, detectorconcentration, concentrationfid, fidanthracene, anthracenesample, sampleendosulfan
Sample Prep for Chromatographic Analysis of Difficult Matrixes
Sample Prep for Chromatographic Analysis of Difficult Matrixes Real World & Real Samples Urine Sample without sample prep 0 2 2 4 Time (min) 6 Urine Sample with sample prep 0 2 4 Time (min) 6 Sources of Chromatographic Errors…
Klíčová slova
spe, spespme, spmesupelmip, supelmipenvi, enviuserscan, userscanfiber, fiberfibers, fibersprep, prepextraction, extractionabsorbent, absorbentfames, famessilver, silverdispersive, dispersivecarb, carbmicroextraction
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.