Discovery of the Potential Marker Compounds for Stored White Tea by a Metabolomics Approach
Aplikace | 2019 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství, Metabolomika
VýrobceAgilent Technologies
Klíčová slovacthea, tea, white, epsfs, egcg, egc, ecg, compounds, storage, bhyz, were, identified, nonvolatile, bmd, metabolomics, samples, subclasses, stored, markers, duration, different, analysis, abundance, acids, extract, nontargeted, data, influence, applied, metabolome, mpp, metabolites, both, under, metabolomic, feature, tof, correlated, cluster, during, extraction, slight, uhplc, intensity, imported, chinese, profilier, theanie, temperature, quality
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Discovery of the Potential Marker Compounds for Stored White Tea by Metabolomics Approach
2019|Agilent Technologies|Postery
Introduction The traditional Chinese white tea has been demonstrated to have potential beneficial health effects1, thus promoting the consumption of white tea in China2. White teas stored for long periods are considered to have high health-protective effect and thus high…
Klíčová slova
tea, teawhite, whitecthea, ctheastorage, storageecg, ecgcompounds, compoundsduring, duringespfs, espfsnonsupervised, nonsupervisedduration, durationmarkers, markersepsfs, epsfspca, pcachange, changepotential
Study of the Metabolites and Flavor Characteristics in Different Subtypes of White Tea by Metabolomics Profiling
2019|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note Food Testing & Agriculture Study of the Metabolites and Flavor Characteristics in Different Subtypes of White Tea by Metabolomics Profiling Authors Chen Yang, Weidong Dai, Junfeng Tan, and Zhi Lin Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,…
Klíčová slova
tea, teawhite, whiteprimeveroside, primeverosidemetabolites, metabolitesdifferential, differentialsubtypes, subtypestheasinensin, theasinensincatechins, catechinsglycosides, glycosidesmetabolomics, metabolomicsflavor, flavortaste, tasteflavone, flavonedimeric, dimerictof
Metabolomic Analysis of Green and Black Tea Extracts Using an LTQ Orbitrap XL Hybrid Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer
2008|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
Application Note: 420 Metabolomic Analysis of Green and Black Tea Extracts Using an LTQ Orbitrap XL Hybrid Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer Donna L. Wilson and Charles Yang; Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA, USA Key Words • Accela™ High…
Klíčová slova
tea, teagal, galtheaflavin, theaflavintheaflavins, theaflavinsltq, ltqblack, blackcatechins, catechinsorbitrap, orbitrapgreen, greenfrontier, frontierhcd, hcdgcg, gcgecg, ecgegcg, egcgmass
Automated method development in HPLC for the quantitative determination of catechins in tea
2018|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE 72830 Automated method development in HPLC for the quantitative determination of catechins in tea Authors Sylvia Grosse, Soo Hyun Park, Mauro De Pra, Frank Steiner Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germering, Germany Application benefits • Accelerated HPLC method development by…
Klíčová slova
tea, teacatechins, catechinsoptimization, optimizationgcg, gcgcatechin, catechinfine, finedevelopment, developmentchromswordauto, chromswordautodeveloper, developeregc, egcmethod, methodecg, ecgegcg, egcgscientific, scientificepigallocatechin