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Combined Contaminant and Multi-Residue Testing by LC/MS/MS for the Quality Control of Herbal Drugs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)


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Multiclass Determination of Organic Contaminants in Red Chili and Turmeric Powders
Multiclass Determination of Organic Contaminants in Red Chili and Turmeric Powders Using the Agilent EMR—Lipid Sample Cleanup and Agilent 6495 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS System in a Single Method of Analysis Application Note Food safety Authors Abstract Anand Sheshadri, Thomas Glauner,…
Klíčová slova
chili, chiliturmeric, turmericoxide, oxidered, redpowder, powdersudan, sudanquechers, quecherseuropin, europinmethyl, methylbentazone, bentazonecounts, countspesticides, pesticidesagilent, agilentpesticide, pesticideresponses
Food and Beverage Chemical Contaminant Testing
Food and Beverage Chemical Contaminant Testing Application Notebook Pesticide Residues Veterinary Drugs Mycotoxins Alkaloids PFAS Introduction EFFICIENT ANALYTICAL SOLUTIONS TO SUPPORT A SAFE, NUTRITIOUS, AUTHENTIC AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN Welcome to Waters’ food and beverage contaminants testing application notebook.…
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Quantitation of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Honey and Herbal Teas by UHPLC/MS/MS
Quantitation of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Honey and Herbal Teas by UHPLC/MS/MS Application Note Food Testing Authors Abstract Christina Reinwaldt, Melinda Bittner, This application note describes an easy-to-handle and sensitive analytical and Günther Kempe method for the quantitation of 28 pyrrolizidine…
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oxide, oxidehoney, honeysenecionine, senecionineherbal, herbalintermedine, intermedinemonocrotaline, monocrotalinepas, pastea, teapyrrolizidine, pyrrolizidinelasiocarpine, lasiocarpineseneciphylline, seneciphyllineheliotrine, heliotrineretrorsine, retrorsinealkaloids, alkaloidslycopsamine
Complex Matrices: Minimizing Lipids, Maximizing Recovery - Food Testing Application Compendium: Volume 3
Complex Matrices: Minimizing Lipids, Maximizing Recovery Food Testing Application Compendium: Volume 3 Complex Samples Don’t Have to Complicate Your Analysis Reducing matrix interference is a must for maintaining sensitivity standards—particularly for multiresidue, multiclass analysis of food samples. Minimize interferences in…
Klíčová slova
emr, emrlipid, lipidcleanup, cleanupmatrix, matrixelut, elutbond, bondpositive, positiveremoval, removalcounts, countsavocado, avocadopos, posenhanced, enhancedcaptiva, captivaagilent, agilentacquisition
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.