Method Development Tools for More Efficient Screening of Biopharmaceutical Method Conditions Using the ACQUITY Arc Bio SystemPart 2 of 2: Screening SEC and IEX Conditions in a Single Experiment
Aplikace | 2020 | WatersInstrumentace
ZaměřeníFarmaceutická analýza
Klíčová slovablend, sec, iex, hmws, arc, bio, plus, biopharmaceutical, method, screening, usp, auto, acquity, ionic, strength, tools, acidic, note, conditions, efficient, valve, development, aph, lmws, more, manipulate, application, salt, retention, system, used, column, blending, holding, switching, corrosion, screened, mobile, compositions, empower, variants, monomer, autoblendplus, manageractive, resolution, min, timelier, vis, phase, tailing
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Auto•Blend Plus Technology for Ion-Exchange Chromatography Method Development and Robustness Testing
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] Auto•Blend Plus Technology for Ion-Exchange Chromatography Method Development and Robustness Testing Hua Yang, Bill Warren, and Stephan Koza Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA APPLICATION BENEFITS ■■ INTRODUCTION Auto•Blend™ Plus Technology Ion-exchange chromatography (IEX) is widely used…
Klíčová slova
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[ APPLICATION NOTEBOOK ] SIZE-EXCLUSION CHROMATOGRAPHY (SEC) OF PEPTIDES, PROTEINS, AND AAVs [ SIZE-EXCLUSION CHROMATOGRAPHY ] [ SIZE-EXCLUSION CHROMATOGRAPHY ] Introduction Gel-permeation chromatography (GPC), size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), and gel-filtration chromatography (GFC) are commonly used terms to describe a liquid chromatographic…
Klíčová slova
sec, secexclusion, exclusionsize, sizeuplc, uplcacquity, acquitychromatography, chromatographyprotein, proteinaggregates, aggregateshplc, hplcdispersion, dispersioncolumn, columnmonomer, monomerigg, iggantibody, antibodyhmws
Method Transfer of Size-Exclusion and Ion-Exchange Methods for Monoclonal Antibody Analysis from HPLC to the Arc Premier System
Application Note Method Transfer of Size-Exclusion and IonExchange Methods for Monoclonal Antibody Analysis from HPLC to the Arc Premier System Brooke M. Koshel, David Dao, Robert E. Birdsall, Ying Qing Yu Waters Corporation Abstract Transferring methods between internal laboratories and…
Klíčová slova
arc, arciex, iexpremier, premierchemistries, chemistriesplatforms, platformshplc, hplcequivalency, equivalencymethods, methodsrepeatable, repeatablesec, sectraditional, traditionalsystem, systemtransferring, transferringsimilar, similarbiopharmaceutical
ACQUITY UPLC H-Class Bio System
ACQUITY UPLC H-Class Bio System Built for your biomolecular characterization t he BIocoM PAt IBle u P lc P lAt FoRM The ACQUITY UPLC® H-Class Bio System – the latest extension to the family of ACQUITY UPLC Systems, brings the…
Klíčová slova
uplc, uplcbio, bioacquity, acquityclass, classsystem, systemblend, blendauto, autominutes, minutesflexibilit, flexibilitplus, pluscharacterization, characterizationmanager, managerprotein, proteinexchange, exchangeheaters