Pushing the Leading Edge in Protein Quantitation: Integrated, Precise, and Reproducible Protein Quantitation Workflow Solutions
Prezentace | 2017 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
ZaměřeníProteomika, Metabolomika
VýrobceThermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slovadda, protein, quantitation, standardization, quantified, exactive, precision, peptides, peptide, proteins, workflow, quantitative, dia, reproducibility, proteomics, ids, proteome, data, thermo, spectronaut, coverage, missing, standardized, identifications, scientific, robustness, greater, capillary, time, total, variance, scale, completely, sparse, maximizing, nano, analysis, caplc, groups, increased, reproducible, sensitivity, measurements, genomics, acquisition, actionable, half, confident, unrivaled, cumulative
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Optimized DDA+ and HR-DIA workflows for standardized, reproducible, precise and robust label-free quantitation of proteomes
2018|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Postery
Optimized DDA+ and HR-DIA workflows for standardized, reproducible, precise and robust label-free quantitation of proteomes Aaron S. Gajadhar1, Oleksandr Boychenko2, Xin Zhang3, Yue Xuan4, and Andreas Huhmer1, Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose1, CA, USA; Germering, Germany2; Sunnyvale, CA3, USA; Bremen,…
Klíčová slova
dda, ddalfq, lfqdia, diaexactive, exactiveminora, minorarobustness, robustnesslabel, labelworkflow, workflowquantitation, quantitationworkflows, workflowsthermo, thermomissing, missingspectrometer, spectrometerscientific, scientificstandardized
Improvements in LFQ for reproducible quantification of proteomic experiments: how DDA outperforms DIA
2016|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Postery
Poster Note 64785 Improvements in LFQ for reproducible quantification of proteomic experiments: how DDA outperforms DIA Improvements in LFQ for reproducible quantification Ignacio Ortea1, Romain Huguet2, David Horn2, Andreas FR Huhmer2, and Daniel Lopez-Ferrer2 IMIBIC, Cordoba, Spain, 2 Thermo Fisher…
Klíčová slova
dia, dialfq, lfqdda, ddapeptides, peptidesexactive, exactivelabel, labelminora, minoraoutperforms, outperformsnanocolum, nanocolumidentifications, identificationshram, hramdata, dataquantification, quantificationfree, freelately
Grant application resource: Using the Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer to accelerate fundamental research
2020|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
WHITE PAPER 65659 Grant application resource: Using the Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer to accelerate fundamental research Keywords: Single Cell Sensitivity, TMT & TMTpro Multiplexing, SureQuant Method, Quantitative Proteomics, Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS, FAIMS Pro interface, Mass Spectrometry Goal This…
Klíčová slova
faims, faimssurequant, surequantpro, prointerface, interfacetemplates, templatestmt, tmtprm, prmboxcar, boxcardda, ddatargeted, targetedprotein, proteinproteomics, proteomicsquantitation, quantitationpeptides, peptidesacquisition
IMSC: Improvements in LFQ for reproducible quantification of proteomic experiments: how DDA outperform DIA
2016|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Postery
advanced label free quantitation software. In this work we compare HRAM quadrupole-Orbitrap™ DDA, and HRAM quadrupole-Orbitrap DIA methods head-to- DATA DEPENDENT advanced label free quantitation software. In this work we compare HRAM head to evaluate the sensitivity and number of…
Klíčová slova
dia, diadda, ddalfq, lfqexactive, exactiveoutperforms, outperformspeptides, peptidesminora, minoradata, datacolumn, columndependent, dependenthram, hramhuhmer, huhmerlopez, lopezmapper, mapperhorn