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Development and applications of a pesticide multiresidue analysis turn-key system utilizing UHPLC-Orbitrap mass spectrometry and post data processing


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Top-down Characterization of Monoclonal Antibody on an Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid Mass Spectrometer
Poster Note 64778 Top-down Characterization of Monoclonal Antibody on an Orbitrap Fusion Lumos™ Tribrid Mass Spectrometer Seema Sharma, Stephane Houel, Christopher Mullen, Chad Weisbrod, Romain Huguet, John Syka, Dave Horn, Jonathan Josephs, Jae Schwartz, Vlad Zabrouskov Thermo Fisher Scientific, San…
Klíčová slova
abundance, abundancefragmentation, fragmentationantibody, antibodyintact, intactetd, etdrelative, relativemab, mabtop, topdown, downheavy, heavymonoclonal, monoclonaldeglycosylated, deglycosylateduvpd, uvpdpulses, pulsessequence
Optimization of RP-LC-MS Top-down Protein Analysis on an Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid MS with the Advanced Peak Determination Algorithm
Optimization of RP-LC-MS Top-down Protein Analysis on an Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid MS with the Advanced Peak Determination Algorithm Vlad Zabrouskov1, Luca Fornelli2, Ryan Fellers2, Kristina Srzentic2, Joshua Silveira1, Helene Cardasis1, Graeme C. McAlister1, Christian Thoeing3, Derek Bailey1, Andreas Kuehn3,…
Klíčová slova
apd, apdresolution, resolutioncharge, chargeintact, intactdependent, dependentpierce, pierceprotein, proteinisotopically, isotopicallyorbitrap, orbitrapetd, etdhigh, highunassigned, unassigneddata, datafusion, fusionstates
Improved Middle-Down Characterization of Antibodies Using Multiple Ion Activation Techniques and Ion-Ion Proton Transfer Reactions on a Modified Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer
Improved Middle-Down Characterization of Antibodies Using Multiple Ion Activation Techniques and Ion-Ion Proton Transfer Reactions on a Modified Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer John E.P. Syka, Christopher Mullen, Stephane Houel, Romain Huguet, Joshua A. Silveira, Helene L. Cardasis, and Vlad Zabrouskov; Thermo…
Klíčová slova
iipt, iiptetd, etdprecursor, precursorion, ionmab, mabreactions, reactionsactivation, activationcid, cidions, ionstrap, trapsequence, sequenceproduct, productreaction, reactionobservation, observationpreliminary
IMSC: Development of an All-Recombinant Intact Protein Standard for LC-MS Application Development and System Suitability Testing
INTRODUCTION 600 In recent years, interest in intact protein analysis by HPLC, LC-MS, and MSMS has increased significantly. This can be attributed to both improvements to LC and MS hardware, instrument control software, and data processing software. Conceptual shifts in…
Klíčová slova
protein, proteintrx, trxanhydrase, anhydrasecarbonic, carbonicklenow, klenowrecombinant, recombinantproteins, proteinsmixture, mixtureinfusion, infusionrnasea, rnaseapanel, panelthermo, thermothethe, thetheproteing, proteingscientific
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.