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A Strategy for an Unknown Screening Approach on Environmental Samples Using HRAM Mass Spectrometry


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A Strategy for an Unknown Screening Approach on Environmental Samples Using HRAM Mass Spectrometry
A Strategy for an Unknown Screening Approach on Environmental Samples Using HRAM Mass Spectrometry Olaf Scheibner,1 Patrizia van Baar, 2 Florian Wode, 2 Uwe Dünnbier, 2 Kristi Akervik, 3 Jamie Humphrie, 3 Maciej Bromirski1 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany;…
Klíčová slova
screening, screeningunknown, unknownsuspect, suspecttaken, takenalve, alvetarge, targedibenzylamine, dibenzylaminepropiconazole, propiconazolesamples, samplestracefinder, tracefinderwere, wereloxoprofen, loxoprofencandesartan, candesartanscreen, screenbisoprolol
Screening and Quantitation of Micro-pollutants from Sewage Water in the Process of Bank Filtration Using UHPLC-HRAM
Samples from different ground water probing sites and a ground water well were taken and injected onto the online-SPE system directly. Liquid Chromatography 1 mL of sample was injected onto the online-SPE system. For pre-concentration, a C18 column, 2.1 ×…
Klíčová slova
bank, bankdegradation, degradationwater, wateranaerobical, anaerobicalground, groundscreening, screeningtransect, transectaerobical, aerobicalprocess, processcompounds, compoundssuspect, suspectfiltration, filtrationtegeler, tegeleresi, esivdia
Mass Spectrometry Applications for Environmental Analysis
Mass Spectrometry Applications for Environmental Analysis
2014|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Příručky
A ppl i cat i o n N o teb o o k Mass Spectrometry Applications for Environmental Analysis • Surface, Drinking and Waste Water Analysis • Air and Soil Analysis Mass Spectrometry Applications for Environmental Analysis Table of Contents…
Klíčová slova
mdl, mdlwater, watermass, massthermo, thermoscientific, scientificwere, werefull, fulltsq, tsqanalysis, analysision, iontargeted, targetedmethod, methodsample, samplespe, spequantum
Mass Spectrometry Applications for Environmental Analysis
Mass Spectrometry Applications for Environmental Analysis
2014|Thermo Fisher Scientific|AplikacePříručky
A ppl i cat i o n N o teb o o k Mass Spectrometry Applications for Environmental Analysis • Surface, Drinking and Waste Water Analysis • Air and Soil Analysis Mass Spectrometry Applications for Environmental Analysis Table of Contents…
Klíčová slova
mdl, mdlwater, watermass, massthermo, thermoscientific, scientificwere, werefull, fulltsq, tsqanalysis, analysision, iontargeted, targetedsample, samplemethod, methodspe, spequantum
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.