Screening and Quantitation of Micro-pollutants from Sewage Water in the Process of Bank Filtration Using UHPLC-HRAM
Postery | 2016 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
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VýrobceThermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slovabank, degradation, water, anaerobical, ground, screening, transect, aerobical, process, compounds, suspect, tegeler, filtration, esi, vdia, figure, probing, amisulpride, candesartan, clindamycin, lake, search, identified, well, venlafaxine, investigation, sucralose, tracefinder, redox, thermo, sewage, from, out, decrease, course, drinking, metoprolol, isotopic, carbamazepine, different, pattern, sites, analysis, mostly, scientific, primidone, baar, scan, gabapentin, hram
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A Strategy for an Unknown Screening Approach on Environmental Samples Using HRAM Mass Spectrometry
2013|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Postery
A Strategy for an Unknown Screening Approach on Environmental Samples Using HRAM Mass Spectrometry Olaf Scheibner,1 Patrizia van Baar, 2 Florian Wode, 2 Uwe Dünnbier, 2 Kristi Akervik, 3 Jamie Humphrie, 3 Maciej Bromirski1 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany;…
Klíčová slova
screening, screeningunknown, unknownsuspect, suspecttaken, takenalve, alvetarge, targepropiconazole, propiconazoledibenzylamine, dibenzylaminesamples, sampleswere, wereloxoprofen, loxoprofentracefinder, tracefinderscreen, screencandesartan, candesartanbisoprolol
A Strategy for an Unknown Screening Approach on Environmental Samples Using HRAM Mass Spectrometry
2016|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Postery
A Strategy for an Unknown Screening Approach on Environmental Samples Using HRAM Mass Spectrometry Olaf Scheibner,1 Patrizia van Baar, 2 Florian Wode, 2 Uwe Dünnbier, 2 Kristi Akervik, 3 Jamie Humphrie, 3 Maciej Bromirski1 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany;…
Klíčová slova
screening, screeningunknown, unknownsuspect, suspecttaken, takenalve, alvetarge, targepropiconazole, propiconazoledibenzylamine, dibenzylaminesamples, sampleswere, weretracefinder, tracefinderloxoprofen, loxoprofencandesartan, candesartanscreen, screenbisoprolol
Identification of Unknowns in Ground and Surface Water by LC/Q-TOF
2018|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note Environmental Identification of Unknowns in Ground and Surface Water by LC/Q-TOF Authors E. Michael Thurman, Imma Ferrer University of Colorado, Center for Environmental Mass Spectrometry, Boulder, CO Jerry A. Zweigenbaum Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract Accurate mass analysis by…
Klíčová slova
platte, plattegroundwater, groundwaterpharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticalsalluvial, alluvialriver, riversuspect, suspectsouth, southtools, toolswater, watermass, masslamotrigine, lamotriginesurface, surfaceaccurate, accuratetransport, transportunknown
A Novel Screening Method for Anthropogenic Sewage Pollutants in Waste Water, Ground Water and Drinking Water Samples by LC–HRAM Analysis
2016|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Postery
A Novel Screening Method for Anthropogenic Sewage Pollutants in Waste Water, Ground Water and Drinking Water Samples by LC–HRAM Analysis Sebastian Westrup, Nick Duczak, and Michal Godula Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA Overview For the present study, the Thermo…
Klíčová slova
exactfinder, exactfinderwater, watereffluent, effluentanthropogenic, anthropogenicreceiving, receivingwwtp, wwtpdata, datariver, riversoftware, softwareexactive, exactivescientific, scientificmass, massinvestigation, investigationsieve, sievegenerated