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Expanding the Coverage of Metabolome Using Multiple Liquid Chromatography Modes


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Pathway Targeted Metabolomic Analysis in Oral Cancer Cells Using High Performance Ion Chromatography Coupling to a New HR/AM Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry
Pathway Targeted Metabolomic Analysis in Oral Cancer Cells Using High Performance Ion Chromatography Coupling to a New HR/AM Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry Junhua Wang,1 Terri Christison,1 Krista Backiel, 2 Grace Ji, 3 Shen Hu, 3 Linda Lopez,1 Yingying Huang1 1 Thermo…
Klíčová slova
cancer, cancerexactive, exactivetargeted, targetedcsc, csclysates, lysatesnontargeted, nontargetedcells, cellsaxp, axptca, tcahpic, hpicthermo, thermogroundin, groundinmass, masssimilar, similarinvasive
HILIC Chromatography: When and How?
HILIC Chromatography: When and How?
2022|Agilent Technologies|Prezentace
HILIC Chromatography: When and How? Golnar Javadi Applications Engineer LC Columns and Consumables Technical Support January 25, 2022 Agenda 1 What is HILIC and when should you consider it? 2 HILIC method development • • 3 Tips and tricks for…
Klíčová slova
hilic, hilicyes, yesmobile, mobileinfinitylab, infinitylabphase, phaseyour, yourcolumn, columnconsider, considerrplc, rplcsolubility, solubilitybest, bestwhen, whensolvent, solventanalytes, analytesretain
Fast Analysis of Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies, Fragments, and Oxidation Variants Using a Super-Macro Porous Reversed-Phase Column Coupled with an Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer
Poster Note 643 98 Fast Analysis of Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies, Fragments, and Oxidation Variants Using a Super-Macro Porous Reversed-Phase Coupled with anFragments, FastAnalysis Analysis of Therapeutic TherapeuticColumn Monoclonal Antibodies, Fast of Monoclonal Antibodies, Fragments, a Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer Column Coupled…
Klíčová slova
oxidized, oxidizedscfc, scfcherceptin, herceptinmab, mabides, idesmabfragments, mabfragmentsfigure, figurefragments, fragmentsabundance, abundancedtt, dttrelative, relativepapain, papainmabpac, mabpacerml, ermlrapidseparation
Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Oxidation Variants Using Middle-down Approach and Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry
There is a growing trend to obtain intact mass information as well as the glycan profile in the QC of mAbs using high resolution mass spectrometers. The most commonly employed LC/MS method is to desalt mAbs via reverse phase liquid…
Klíčová slova
trastuzumab, trastuzumabscfc, scfcoxidized, oxidizedmab, mabfigure, figureides, idesdeuterium, deuteriumfragments, fragmentsmabpac, mabpacoxidation, oxidationtic, ticfab, fabdtt, dttpapain, papainerml
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