Separation of Ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine Isomers Using SCIEX SelexION® Differential Mobility Technology
Aplikace | 2018 | SCIEXInstrumentace
ZaměřeníKlinická analýza
Klíčová slovaephedrine, pseudoephedrine, selexion, dms, urine, plasma, cov, isomers, modifier, were, technology, dr:low, mdc:low, ofephedrines, metabolism, method, differential, mobility, mdc, which, fragmentation, matrix, narcotic, interference, behaves, samples, separated, separation, estrogens, off, when, best, voltage, ramping, optimisation, pharmacokinetic, could, took, alkaloids, good, afforded, studying, explored, ratio, using, recovery, forensics, sciex, xic, modifiers
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SelexION® Technology: The Solution to Selectivity Challenges in Quantitative Analysis
2015|SCIEX|Technické články
SelexION® Technology: The Solution to Selectivity Challenges in Quantitative Analysis Differential Mobility Separations Enhanced with Chemical Modifiers: A Higher Dimension in Selectivity High selectivity is a key component of successful quantitative analysis. The ever-increasing sensitivity and throughput requirements of MS…
Klíčová slova
selexion, selexiondifferential, differentialmobility, mobilitydms, dmsday, dayplanar, planarcov, covmrm, mrmtechnology, technologybioanalytical, bioanalyticalhigh, highintra, intrafield, fieldcell, cellkey
Improving LC-MS Selectivity for Mesalamine Using Differential Ion Mobility Technology
2018|SCIEX|Technické články
Improving LC-MS Selectivity for Mesalamine Using Differential Ion Mobility Technology Using the SCIEX Triple Quad™ 5500 LC-MS/MS System with SelexION® Technology Anoop Kumar and Manoj Pillai SCIEX, India Selectivity and sensitivity are major considerations during the development of bioanalytical methods.…
Klíčová slova
mesalamine, mesalaminedms, dmsselexion, selexiondifferential, differentialmobility, mobilitydmo, dmoselectivity, selectivitytechnology, technologyanhydride, anhydrideplanar, planarpropionic, propionicseparation, separationinterference, interferencepillai, pillaiderivatized
Separation of Diastereomeric Flubatine Metabolites using SelexION® Technology
2018|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Separation of Diastereomeric Flubatine Metabolites using SelexION® Technology Sebastian Fabritz1 René Smits2 and Friedrich-Alexander Ludwig3 1 SCIEX, Germany; 2ABX Advanced Biochemical Compounds GmbH, Radeberg, Germany; 3HelmholtzZentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Leipzig, Germany Positron emission tomography (PET) is a technique for in vivo imaging,…
Klíčová slova
dms, dmsselexion, selexioncov, covseparation, separationbrain, brainpet, pettechnology, technologyallows, allowsoptimization, optimizationcounterbalancing, counterbalancingradiometabolites, radiometabolitesspectrometryfor, spectrometryforisomer, isomerflubatine, flubatinedifferential
Overview of LC-MS Quantitative Solutions for Biotherapeutic Analysis
Overview of LC-MS Quantitative Solutions for Biotherapeutic Analysis Featuring SCIEX Instrumentation and Technologies Lei Xiong, Elliott Jones SCIEX, Redwood City, California, USA Figure 1. Summary of SCIEX Quantitative Solutions and Instrumentations to Solve Analytical Challenges in Biotherapeutic Industry. Darkest green…
Klíčová slova
sciex, sciexmrmhr, mrmhrworkflow, workflowprotein, proteinmicrolc, microlcquantification, quantificationmrm, mrmions, ionsqtrap, qtrapswath, swathquantitation, quantitationhrams, hramsspectrometers, spectrometersmobility, mobilityfeaturing