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SelexION® Technology: The Solution to Selectivity Challenges in Quantitative Analysis


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Improving LC-MS Selectivity for Mesalamine Using Differential Ion Mobility Technology
Improving LC-MS Selectivity for Mesalamine Using Differential Ion Mobility Technology Using the SCIEX Triple Quad™ 5500 LC-MS/MS System with SelexION® Technology Anoop Kumar and Manoj Pillai SCIEX, India Selectivity and sensitivity are major considerations during the development of bioanalytical methods.…
Klíčová slova
mesalamine, mesalaminedms, dmsselexion, selexiondifferential, differentialmobility, mobilitydmo, dmoselectivity, selectivitytechnology, technologyanhydride, anhydrideplanar, planarpropionic, propionicseparation, separationinterference, interferencederivatized, derivatizedpillai
Quantitation of Limaprost, an Analogue of PGE1 in Human Plasma
Quantitation of Limaprost, an Analogue of PGE1 in Human Plasma A highly simplified and sensitive assay using the QTRAP® 6500+ LC-MS/MS system and the SelexION®+ differential mobility separation technology device 1 Chao Zhang; 1Dandan Si; 2Xiangjun Meng; 2Lei Yin; 2Jingkai…
Klíčová slova
limaprost, limaprostselexion, selexiondms, dmsmobility, mobilitydevice, devicetechnology, technologysubpg, subpgantiplatelet, antiplateletdifferential, differentialvasodilatory, vasodilatoryseparation, separationlloq, lloqinterferences, interferencesendogenous, endogenousions
LC-MS/MS Analysis of Emerging Food Contaminants
LC-MS/MS Analysis of Emerging Food Contaminants Detection of Glyphosate in Food Samples using QuPPe-LC-DMS-MS/MS André Schreiber1, Wen Jin1, and Paul Winkler2 1 SCIEX Concord, Ontario (Canada) and 2SCIEX Redwood City, California (USA) Overview Here we present results of using QuPPe…
Klíčová slova
dms, dmsselexion, selexionglyphosate, glyphosatecov, covmmpa, mmpaglufosinate, glufosinatequppe, quppeinterferences, interferencesspectrometry, spectrometryselectivity, selectivitytechnology, technologyusing, usingmobility, mobilityampa, ampacell
Differential Mobility Separation with SCIEX SelexION®- A Novel Technique for the Bioanalysis of Poorly Fragmenting Molecules like Valproic Acid
Differential Mobility Separation with SCIEX SelexION®- A Novel Technique for the Bioanalysis of Poorly Fragmenting Molecules like Valproic Acid Jeyan Albert1, Peeyush Jain2, Naveen Dubey2, Sandeep Sharma2, Anoop Kumar1, Manoj Pillai1 1 SCIEX, 121, Udyog Vihar, Phase IV, Gurgaon, Haryana,…
Klíčová slova
vpa, vpaselexion, selexiondms, dmsvalproic, valproicstd, stdnoise, noisemim, mimpseudo, pseudosciex, sciexbioanalysis, bioanalysisdmo, dmoisobaric, isobaricselectivity, selectivityinterfering, interferingacid
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