A New Lipidomics Software Workflow Demonstrates Disrupted Lipogenesis Induced with Drug Treatment in Leukemia Cells
Postery | 2019 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
ZaměřeníKlinická analýza, Lipidomika
VýrobceAgilent Technologies
Klíčová slovabap, iterative, lipid, vehicle, mpa, pcdl, bez, lipidomics, lipogenesis, drug, leukemia, workflow, disrupted, treatment, database, differential, tolerance, positive, myeloid, cells, aml, biphasic, ion, folch, exclusion, automs, datafiles, dag, correlation, batch, results, annotator, novel, pie, mass, lipidome, five, shotgun, effects, demonstrates, polyunsaturated, profinder, acq, annotate, alterations, pcs, agreed, annotations, acute, entities
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Metabolomics: An Improved Lipid Profiling Workflow Demonstrates Disrupted Lipogenesis Induced with Drug Treatment in Leukemia Cells
2019|Agilent Technologies|Postery
An Improved Lipid Profiling Workflow Demonstrates Disrupted Lipogenesis Induced with Drug Treatment in Leukemia Cells Mark Sartain1, Genevieve Van de Bittner1, Xiangdong Li1, Jeremy Koelmel2, Adithya Murali1, and Sarah Stow1 1Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA of Chemistry, University…
Klíčová slova
lipid, lipiditerative, iterativelipidomics, lipidomicslipogenesis, lipogenesisprofiling, profilingleukemia, leukemiabap, bapworkflow, workflowdatabase, databasedisrupted, disruptedpcs, pcsdrug, drugcells, cellspcdl, pcdlnovel
Lipid Profiling Workflow Demonstrates Disrupted Lipogenesis Induced with Drug Treatment in Leukemia Cells
2020|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note Lipidomics Lipid Profiling Workflow Demonstrates Disrupted Lipogenesis Induced with Drug Treatment in Leukemia Cells Using an Agilent 6546 LC/Q-TOF and MassHunter Lipid Annotator Software Authors Mark Sartain, Genevieve Van de Bittner, and Sarah Stow Agilent Technologies, Inc. Santa…
Klíčová slova
bap, baplipid, lipidvehicle, vehiclelipidomics, lipidomicsdecreased, decreasedannotator, annotatorwere, werempa, mpabez, beziterative, iterativenonhydroxyfatty, nonhydroxyfattympp, mppaml, amltreatment, treatmentfeature
Illuminating the Cellular and Molecular Response to Drug Treatment by Combining Bioenergetic Measurements with Untargeted Metabolomics
2023|Agilent Technologies|Postery
Poster Reprint ASMS 2023 Poster number ThP 520 Illuminating the Cellular and Molecular Response to Drug Treatment by Combining Bioenergetic Measurements with Untargeted Metabolomics Mark Sartain1, Genevieve C. Van de Bittner1, Natalia Romero2, Yoonseok Kam2, Maria Apostolidi1, Dustin Chang1 1Agilent…
Klíčová slova
production, productionatp, atpmitoatp, mitoatpglycoatp, glycoatpseahorse, seahorsepmol, pmolrate, ratebasal, basalrates, ratescellular, cellularuntargeted, untargetedvehicle, vehiclemitochondrial, mitochondriallipids, lipidsocr
Automated Dual Metabolite+Lipid Cell Sample Prep as a Component of an LC/HRMS-based Workflow to Elucidate the Molecular Response to Drug Treatment
2021|Agilent Technologies|Postery
Poster Reprint ASMS 2021 Poster number TP245 Automated Dual Metabolite+Lipid Cell Sample Prep as a Component of an LC/HRMS-based Workflow to Elucidate the Molecular Response to Drug Treatment Mark Sartain1, Genevieve Van de Bittner1, Manuel Gomez1, Dustin Chang1, and Alex…
Klíčová slova
metabolite, metabolitelipid, lipidmtx, mtxlyso, lysopercent, percentrecovered, recoveredcell, cellpolar, polarlipids, lipidsanalysis, analysisworkflow, workflowrecoveries, recoveriesmammalian, mammalianelucidate, elucidateerror