Increasing Lab Efficiency by Chromatography Data System Harmonization
Ostatní | 2020 | WatersInstrumentace
ZaměřeníFarmaceutická analýza
Klíčová slovaempower, business, implementations, bottlenecks, harmonization, client, people, availability, sells, training, paper, chromatography, harmonizing, regulatory, overall, same, cds, standpoint, data, exchange, departments, solution, related, significantly, installations, reduced, interface, undergoes, waters, laboratory, requirements, order, information, benefits, all, individuals, easy, vendors, deployed, lims, satisfy, realized, heavily, ultimately, within, signature, exactly, weighed, introducing, server
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Improving Laboratory Efficiency and Reducing Compliance Efforts with a Networked Chromatography Data System
[ BUSINESS SOLUTION ] Improving Laboratory Efficiency and Reducing Compliance Efforts with a Networked Chromatography Data System Client: Erregierre Technology: Empower Chromatography Data System BACKGROUND Erregierre is a leading international manufacturer of active ingredients for the pharmaceutical and generics industries.…
Klíčová slova
erregierre, erregierreempower, empowerworkstations, workstationscds, cdsqualification, qualificationpersonal, personalbusiness, businesschromatographic, chromatographicnetworked, networkedmeant, meantchallenge, challengeprojects, projectsefforts, effortsdevelopment, developmentd’argon
Becoming Paperless with an Integrated Laboratory Informatics Landscape
[ BUSINESS SOLUTION ] Becoming Paperless with an Integrated Laboratory Informatics Landscape Client: Pharmaceutical Division of a Global Healthcare Organization Technology: Empower Chromatography Data System and NuGenesis Laboratory Management System BACKGROUND The pharmaceutical division of a global healthcare organization has…
Klíčová slova
lms, lmsempower, empowernugenesis, nugenesisbusiness, businesspaperless, paperlessrepository, repositorycds, cdsreports, reportssolution, solutioncomprehensive, comprehensivelandscape, landscaperetrieval, retrievaldata, datachromatographic, chromatographiclaboratory
A CRO Increases Competitive Advantage by Implementing Empower Chromatography Data System
[ BUSINESS SOLUTION ] A CRO Increases Competitive Advantage by Implementing Empower Chromatography Data System Client: A&M Stabtest Technology: Empower Chromatography Data System BACKGROUND A&M Stabtest is an independent private Contract Research Organization (CRO) that provides analytical research and development…
Klíčová slova
stabtest, stabtestempower, empowercitrix, citrixregulatory, regulatorycro, cropharmaceutical, pharmaceuticalbusiness, businessdeployment, deploymentsystem, systemclients, clientsenvironment, environmentwaters, watersvariability, variabilityopted, optedsites
Streamlining Method Validation in Pharmaceutical Product Development with Empower Chromatography Data System
[ BUSINESS SOLUTION ] Streamlining Method Validation in Pharmaceutical Product Development with Empower Chromatography Data System Client: A Global Pharmaceutical Company Technology: Empower Software Method Validation Manager BACKGROUND A global pharmaceutical company develops, manufactures, and markets dozens of prescription and…
Klíčová slova
validation, validationempower, empowermvm, mvmbusiness, businesscompany, companymethod, methodneed, needcalculations, calculationsstatistical, statisticaldata, datatranscription, transcriptionstreamlining, streamliningsop, sopspent, spentpackages