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Protein solutions eBook
Protein solutions eBook
2024|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Příručky
Biopharma Protein solutions eBook Protein therapeutics: At a glance Protein therapeutics are a type of biotherapeutics derived from genetically engineered human proteins. They offer several advantages over small-molecule drugs, allowing for more precise targeting of complex functions. Compared to chemical…
Klíčová slova
thermo, thermoscientific, scientificprotein, proteinvanquish, vanquishorbitrap, orbitrapanalysis, analysisintact, intactuhplc, uhplcduo, duobiopharma, biopharmacharacterization, characterizationpeptide, peptideattribute, attributemapping, mappingsubunit
Robust and reproducible peptide mapping and intact mass analysis workflows on a single instrument platform
APPLICATION NOTE 21688 Robust and reproducible peptide mapping and intact mass analysis workflows on a single instrument platform Authors Amy Farrell , Kai Scheffler , Ken Cook 2, Martin Samonig2, David Munoz2, Alexander Schwahn2, and Jonathan Bones1 1 Characterisation and…
Klíčová slova
somatotropin, somatotropinpeptide, peptidedigestion, digestionpeptides, peptidesdisulfide, disulfidecleavage, cleavageprotein, proteinmissed, missednative, nativesequence, sequencemapping, mappingmodifications, modificationsdigest, digestdeamidation, deamidationabundance
High Throughput Peptide Mapping with the Vanquish UHPLC System and the Q Exactive HF Mass Spectrometer
this study we have analyzed two commercially available drug products: rituximab (trade names MabThera and Rituxan®) and denosumab (trade names Prolia® and XGEVA®). FIGURE 1. General structure of mAbs and their biological and physico-chemical characteristics. Physicochemical Characteristics Biological Characteristics High…
Klíčová slova
chain, chainheavy, heavyrituximab, rituximabmodifications, modificationspeptide, peptidemodification, modificationgradient, gradientmapping, mappingdifferent, differentexactive, exactiveheterogeneity, heterogeneitysequence, sequencenames, nameslight, lightterminal
Comparison of alternative approaches to trypsin protein digestion for reproducible and efficient peptide mapping analysis of monoclonal antibodies
APPLICATION NOTE 21782 Comparison of alternative approaches to trypsin protein digestion for reproducible and efficient peptide mapping analysis of monoclonal antibodies Authors Silvia Millán-Martín, Craig Jakes, Noemi Dorival-García, Nicola McGillicuddy, Sara Carillo, Amy Farrell, Jonathan Bones National Institute for Bioprocessing…
Klíčová slova
smart, smartdigest, digestadalimumab, adalimumabdigestion, digestionmagnetic, magneticmodifications, modificationsalternative, alternativepeptide, peptiderapid, rapiddeamidation, deamidationmapping, mappingrelative, relativenistmab, nistmabinduced, inducedsample
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