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Direct Rapid Analysis of Tetrodotoxin Contained in Fugu Using DPiMS™-8060


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Direct Rapid Analysis of Tetrodotoxin Contained in Fugu Using DPiMS-8060
LAAN-A-TM-E072 Application News No. B102 Probe Electro Spray Ionization Mass Spectrometer Direct Rapid Analysis of Tetrodotoxin Contained in Fugu Using DPiMS™-8060 Fugu (pufferfish) has long been a familiar to the Japanese as high-quality food fish, and is now consumed in…
Klíčová slova
fugu, fuguttx, ttxtetrodotoxin, tetrodotoxincontained, containedelectro, electromethod, methodfinepatterned, finepatterneddeadly, deadlypufferfish, pufferfishpuffer, pufferionization, ionizationdripped, drippedspray, spraypoisonous, poisonousprobe
Direct Probe Ionization Mass Spectrometer - Application Notebook
C10G-E078 Direct Probe Ionization Mass Spectrometer Index Introduction to DPiMS DPiMS: Mechanism of Action Application Notes Summary Quick and Sensitive Screening for Tetrodotoxin Contamination Direct Analysis of Pesticides in Agricultural Products Rapid and Quantitative Analysis of Drugs in Forensic Specimens…
Klíčová slova
probe, probepesi, pesiionization, ionizationacid, acidpetunia, petuniaabiraterone, abirateroneeverolimus, everolimusfrontal, frontalelectrospray, electrosprayanthocyanin, anthocyaninanalysis, analysisliver, liverpetals, petalsbrain, brainmass
DPiMS-MS (PESI) combined with vacuum differential mobility spectrometry for rapid forensic analysis
TP 018 DPiMS-MS (PESI) combined with vacuum differential mobility spectrometry for rapid forensic analysis. Gordon Kearney1 , Patrick Knight1, Andrew Entwistle1, Franck Saint-Marcoux2, Pauline Griffeuille2, Souleiman El Balkhi2, Ann-Christin Niehoff3, Stephane Moreau3 (1) Shimadzu Research Laboratory (Europe), Manchester, UK; (2)…
Klíčová slova
vdms, vdmscortisol, cortisoledn, ednecn, ecndpims, dpimssaliva, salivapesi, pesienabled, enabledspecies, speciessettings, settingssolvent, solventgeneric, genericdifferential, differentialmetoh, metohmobility
Analysis of Fungicide on the Peel Surface of Imported Oranges (2) — Identifying Substances by MS/MS Analys
Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer LCMS-9050/9030 Kit for Direct Probe Ionization Mass Spectrometer DPiMS™ QT Analysis of Fungicide on the Peel Surface of Imported Oranges (2) —Identifying Substances by MS/MS Analysis— Application News Kana Waki User Benefits  Whether or not…
Klíčová slova
peel, peelenilconazole, enilconazoledpims, dpimsfungicide, fungicideenlarged, enlargedpretreated, pretreatedsubstances, substanceswaki, wakiagricultural, agriculturalportion, portionkana, kanapretreatment, pretreatmentactuation, actuationwhether, whetherflexibly
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