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Quantitative Analysis of Furanic Compounds in Transformer oil by HPLC Method


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ASTM D 5837-15 Compliant Quantitative Analysis of Furanic Compound (Furfural) in Transformer Insulation Oil
Application News No. High Performance Liquid Chromatography ASTM D 5837-15 Compliant Quantitative Analysis of Furanic Compound (Furfural) in Transformer Insulation Oil L562 Insulation oil is a material that is utilized for insulation and cooling of electrical equipment and is widely…
Klíčová slova
furanic, furanicinsulation, insulationoil, oilcompounds, compoundstransformer, transformertypes, typesinsulating, insulatingelectrical, electricalfurfural, furfuralloq, loqmau, mauanalysis, analysisrepeatability, repeatabilityacetnitlile, acetnitlilecomponent
Simultaneous Analysis of Benzotriazole, Tolutriazole Derivatives and Furanic Compounds: Passivators in Insulating Oil
Application News No. L576 High Performance Liquid Chromatography Simultaneous Analysis of Benzotriazole, Tolutriazole Derivatives and Furanic Compounds: Passivators in Insulating Oil In transformers and condensers, insulating oil and paper are used to insulate conductors and cool the interior of electrical…
Klíčová slova
ttaa, ttaafuranic, furanicpassivators, passivatorsbta, btainsulating, insulatingcompounds, compoundsmau, mautest, testprominence, prominencetrademarks, trademarksoil, oilspecify, specifyirgamet, irgametpassivator, passivatormixture
High-speed Simultaneous Analysis of Passivators and Furanic Compounds in Insulating Liquid
Application News High Performance Liquid Chromatograph Nexera™ X3 High-speed Simultaneous Analysis of Passivators and Furanic Compounds in Insulating Liquid No. L587 Takuya Yoshioka User Benefits  Time and labor for switching of analyses can be greatly reduced by unifying two…
Klíčová slova
ttaa, ttaafuranic, furanicpassivators, passivatorsbta, btapretreatment, pretreatmentcompounds, compoundsinsulating, insulatingtakuya, takuyatolutriazole, tolutriazoleyoshioka, yoshiokabecause, becausegreatly, greatlybenzotriazole, benzotriazolemau, maunews
Analysis of Furanic Compounds (Furfural)
ERAS-1000-0158A LC Reversed-phase Shim-pack Series Shim-packTM VP-ODS Analysis of Furanic Compounds (Furfural) 158A Keywords: Insulation oil mAU 220 nm 280 nm 1 20 3 2FAL 5HMF 15 2 2FOL 4 2ACF 10 1. 5-Hydroxylmethyl-2-furaldehyde(5HMF) 2. Furfuryl alcohol(2FOL) 3. 2-Furaldehyde(2FAL) 4.…
Klíčová slova
shim, shimfuranic, furanicfurfural, furfuralpacktm, packtmods, odspack, packphase, phasemau, maureversed, reversedvial, vialseries, seriesprogram, programmobile, mobilerate, ratecompounds
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.