Robust and Reproducible Protein Quantification in Plasma using the Evosep One and the Agilent 6495 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS
Aplikace | 2020 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
VýrobceAgilent Technologies
Klíčová slovarobustness, evosep, plasma, peptide, sis, amol, human, mrm, test, protein, targeted, column, digest, quantification, before, peptides, throughput, nanospray, after, sgipivtspyqihftk, loaded, hemopexin, sensitivity, serotransferrin, excellent, standard, evotips, biomarker, spiked, analytical, proteomics, cold, accuracy, mixture, using, demonstrated, reproducibility, heavy, area, high, agilent, balanced, all, one, proteins, zoom, were, fluids, carried, time
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Robust and Reproducible Protein Quantification in Plasma using Evosep One and Agilent 6495 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS
2020|Agilent Technologies|Postery
Poster Reprint ASMS 2020 ThP487 Robust and Reproducible Protein Quantification in Plasma using Evosep One and Agilent 6495 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS Linfeng Wu 1 and Nicolai Bache 2 1Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA; 2Evosep Biosystems, Odense, Denmark Introduction Experimental In…
Klíčová slova
amol, amolpeptide, peptidesis, sisrobustness, robustnessplasma, plasmapeptides, peptidesnanospray, nanospraycolumn, columnevotips, evotipsevosep, evoseprsd, rsdresponses, responsesmrm, mrmprotein, proteinreproducibility
Peptide Quantification in Plasma Using the Agilent 6495 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS Coupled with the Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC System
2020|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note Proteomics Peptide Quantification in Plasma Using the Agilent 6495 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS Coupled with the Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC System Author Linfeng Wu Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract This application note showcases the quantitative performance of multiple reaction…
Klíčová slova
sis, sispeptide, peptidecounts, countspeptides, peptidesacquisition, acquisitionplasma, plasmatime, timequantitative, quantitativemin, minsgipivtspyqihftk, sgipivtspyqihftkmrm, mrmquantification, quantificationlloq, lloqhuman, humanaflltpr
The Agilent 6495 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS: Peptide Quantitation Performance
2016|Agilent Technologies|Technické články
The Agilent 6495 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS: Peptide Quantitation Performance Technical Overview Introduction Sample complexity and the low concentration of certain biomarkers are the major challenges encountered when performing biomarker verification using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)-based methods. For this reason, the…
Klíčová slova
contest, contestnanoflow, nanoflowpeptide, peptideflow, flowquantitation, quantitationplasma, plasmacounts, countsfmol, fmolquantitative, quantitativestd, stdperformance, performancepeptides, peptidesamol, amolstandard, standardmrm
Quantitative Targeted Proteomics of Mouse Plasma Protein Biomarkers by using Nano LC coupled to Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
2023|Agilent Technologies|Postery
Poster Reprint ASMS 2023 Poster number MP 047 Quantitative Targeted Proteomics of Mouse Plasma Protein Biomarkers by using Nano LC coupled to Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer XI QIU1, Thomas Walker1, Claudia Gaither2, Robert Popp2, Christoph Borchers3, John Sausen1 1Agilent 2MRM…
Klíčová slova
evosep, evosepbias, biasproteomics, proteomicspeptiquant, peptiquantbiomarkers, biomarkersamol, amolnano, nanomean, meantargeted, targetedbiomarker, biomarkerquanfification, quanfificationprotein, proteinmouse, mousecoupled, coupledblood