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Instrument Detection Limit at Ultrashort Dwell Times Demonstrated on the Agilent 6495C Triple Quadrupole LC/MS

Technické články | 2020 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
Agilent Technologies
Klíčová slova
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Impact of Dwell Time and Ion Flux on Multiple Reaction Ion Monitoring (MRM) Measurement Precision
Poster Reprint ASMS 2019 WP-444 Impact of Dwell Time and Ion Flux on Multiple Reaction Ion Monitoring (MRM) Measurement Precision Behrooz Zekavat, Charles Nichols, Anabel Fandino Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa Clara, CA Introduction Experimental Triple quadrupole mass spectrometers (TQ MSs)…
Klíčová slova
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Agilent 6495C Triple Quadrupole LC/MS system
Agilent 6495C Triple Quadrupole LC/MS system
2019|Agilent Technologies|Brožury a specifikace
Experience the Highest Level of Confidence Agilent 6495C Triple Quadrupole LC/MS system The Highest Level of Confidence Your samples are precious and turnaround time is critical to the success of your organization. A sensitive, yet rugged instrument that provides day-in,…
Klíčová slova
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Why Instrument Detection Limit (IDL) is a Better Metric for Determining The Sensitivity of Triple Quadrupole LC/MS Systems
Why Instrument Detection Limit (IDL) is a Better Metric for Determining The Sensitivity of Triple Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Technical Overview Authors Introduction Na Pi Parra and Lester Taylor Assessing the sensitivity of LC/MS instruments has relied on comparison of signal-to-noise…
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Application Robustness of the 6495D Triple Quadrupole LC/MS System for Nonstop Pesticide Analysis in Black Tea Matrix
Application Note Environmental Application Robustness of the 6495D Triple Quadrupole LC/MS System for Nonstop Pesticide Analysis in Black Tea Matrix Authors Peter Weidner, Patrick Batoon, Behrooz Zekavat, and Anabel Fandino Agilent Technologies Inc. Abstract System robustness is of utmost importance,…
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