Data Integrity: Technical controls that demonstrate trust
Technické články | 2018 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
ZaměřeníVýrobceThermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slovacontrols, review, data, cds, integrity, guidance, chromeleon, audit, user, security, logons, system, trail, shared, access, administrators, privileges, compliance, users, every, administrator, rights, informatics, regulator, categorically, concept, provides, testing, segregates, latest, hasn’t, technical, hiding, focus, chromatography, inspectors, enforced, intend, them, therefore, facebook, claimed, logon, charlie, owners, management, greater, forcing, parties, administrative
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Data integrity: audit trails with ease of review
2018|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Technické články
WHITE PAPER 72664 Data integrity: audit trails with ease of review Author Summary Shaun Quinn, Marketing Manager Chromatography Software, Thermo Fisher Scientific Audit Trails are an important regulatory requirement and are a proven effective means of detecting data integrity issues.…
Klíčová slova
audit, audittrail, trailtrails, trailsdata, datachromeleon, chromeleonreview, reviewcds, cdsvault, vaultversioning, versioningstamps, stampsraw, rawrecorded, recordeddate, datechanges, changesmetadata
Using Chromeleon 7 Chromatography Data System to Comply with 21 CFR Part 11
2018|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Technické články
WHITE PAPER 80078 Using Chromeleon 7 Chromatography Data System to Comply with 21 CFR Part 11 Author Summary Shaun Quinn, Marketing Manager Informatics and Chromatography Software, Thermo Fisher Scientific 21 CFR Part 11 established requirements to ensure that electronic records…
Klíčová slova
electronic, electronicsignatures, signaturesrecords, recordssubpart, subpartchromeleon, chromeleoncds, cdsqualification, qualificationsignings, signingssystem, systemdocket, docketuser, usercopies, copiesshall, shallexecuted, executeddocuments
The Role of Empower Chromatography Data System in Assisting with Electronic Records Regulation Compliance
2018|Waters|Technické články
[ WHITE PAPER ] The Role of Empower Chromatography Data System in Assisting with Electronic Records Regulation Compliance INTRODUCTION The objective of this white paper is to discuss the 21 CFR Part 111 and EU EudraLex Annex 112 compliance readiness…
Klíčová slova
electronic, electronicempower, empowerrecords, recordschromatogragphy, chromatogragphycompliance, compliancedata, datapaper, paperassisting, assistingsignature, signaturereadable, readableregulation, regulationsignatures, signatureswhite, whiterecord, recordaudit
Ensuring Regulatory Compliance and Data Integrity with MassHunter Software Solutions
2021|Agilent Technologies|Technické články
Technical Note Ensuring Regulatory Compliance and Data Integrity with MassHunter Software Solutions Authors David L Wong, Crystal K Cody, and Robert Ley Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract With the latest release of MassHunter Acquisition for LC/TOF and LC/Q-TOF systems, MassHunter Quantitative…
Klíčová slova
audit, audittrails, trailsprojects, projectsmanagement, managementproject, projectuser, userroles, rolesprint, printcreate, createworklist, worklistserver, servercontent, contenttrail, trailpanel, paneldata