Brožury a specifikace | 2018 | Axel SemrauInstrumentace
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ZaměřeníVýrobceAxel Semrau
Klíčová slovaquantos, chronect, dosing, bionic, robot, toledo, mettler, automated, powder, weighing, robotic, product, acceptance, consisting, industrial, extra, paved, automatization, preparation, information, cooperative, chronos, working, dosed, era, complements, oriented, xyz, laboratory, test, prevention, fast, pal, call, accurate, sample, ctc, analytics, extension, investment, factory, versions, security, perfect, digital, far, principle, operator, future, subject
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2018|Axel Semrau|Brožury a specifikace
CHRONECT® Bionic Product Information Product Information CHRONECT® Bionic A new era of laboratory automation At the analytica 2018 Axel Semrau® paved the way for a new era of laboratory automation. CHRONECT® Bionic is a new and to date unique solution…
Klíčová slova
bionic, bionicchronect, chronectautomation, automationquantos, quantosrobot, robotdosing, dosingrobotic, roboticpowder, powderxyz, xyzautomated, automatedworking, workingproduct, productacceptance, acceptanceperfect, perfectconsisting
CHRONECT Proteomics Workstation
2017|Axel Semrau|Brožury a specifikace
Workstation Product Information Product Information CHRONECT Workstation Proteomics Introduction Automation process The mass-spectrometric identification and quantification requires a prior splitting of the proteins into peptides. This splitting, also known as protein digestion, uses enzymes like the protease trypsin or the…
Klíčová slova
chronect, chronectproteomics, proteomicsdigestion, digestionworkstation, workstationgel, gelsemrau, semrauaxel, axelmedicine, medicinevacuum, vacuumcentrum, centrumtray, traywithin, withindigest, digestprotein, proteintcep
2018|Bruker|Brožury a specifikace
CHRONECT LC-GC CHRONECT Workstation PAH Product information Product information CHRONECT Workstation PAH PAH analytics according to the imPAHct method Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are among the most frequently analyzed contaminants in diverse matrices. The reason for this is the partly…
Klíčová slova
chronect, chronectimpahct, impahctpah, pahsemrau, semrauworkstation, workstationaxel, axelevoq, evoqfoodstuff, foodstuffanalytics, analyticsbruker, brukerproduct, productacceptance, acceptancepahs, pahspyrene, pyrenevalues
2017|Axel Semrau|Brožury a specifikace
LC-GC System MOSH/MOAH Product Information Product Information LC-GC System MOSH/MOAH Introduction Foodstuffs are frequently found to contain undesired mineral oil residues, which originate in many cases from the packaging materials. A migration of hydrocarbons into the foodstuffs can occur in…
Klíčová slova
mosh, moshmoah, moahfoodstuffs, foodstuffssemrau, semrauaxel, axelchronect, chronectsystem, systemparticular, particularproduct, productmineral, mineralcoupling, couplingperylen, perylensignal, signalinformation, informationfraction