Rapid, Sensitive, and Robust Detection of Phthalates in Food Using GC/MS or LC/MS
Aplikace | 2012 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství
VýrobceAgilent Technologies
Klíčová slovaphthalate, dehp, dinp, dnop, bbp, didp, dbp, dnhp, phthalates, dpp, deha, dmp, dep, dcp, concentration, responses, run, dap, bbep, dhepp, dihepp, hehp, pipp, dbzp, bop, deht, food, dipp, dup, benzylbutyl, diop, response, dprp, dotp, dphp, bmpp, dmep, diethylhexyl, dnp, min, dhp, dipropyl, dchp, temperature, compound, frag, dibp, voltage, methods, detection
Podobná PDF
A Simple, Fast, and Reliable LC-MS/MS Method for Determination and Quantification of Phthalates in Distilled Beverages
A Simple, Fast, and Reliable LC-MS/MS Method for Determination and Quantification of Phthalates in Distilled Beverages Dimple Shah and Jennifer Burgess Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA A P P L I C AT I O N B E N E…
Klíčová slova
dehp, dehpphthalates, phthalatesdnop, dnopbbp, bbpphthalate, phthalatedinp, dinpdmp, dmpdep, depdbp, dbpppb, ppbbrand, brandbrandy, brandyspiked, spikedwhisky, whiskyuplc
Determination of Phthalates in Beverage by UFLC- Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
SSL-CA09-298 Application Data from Shimadzu ● LCMSMS LCMSMS-004 Set Analysis Determination of Phthalates in Beverage by UFLCTriple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Abstract: A method was proposed for the determination of phthalates using Shimadzu ultra fast liquid chromatograph and triple quadrupole mass…
Klíčová slova
mrm, mrmchromatogram, chromatogramarea, arearatio, ratiodehp, dehpdipp, dippdidp, didpdhxp, dhxpdmep, dmepdbep, dbeptea, teadchp, dchpdpp, dppdibp, dibpdnop
Determination of Phthalates in vegetables by GPC–GCMS
PO-CON1639E Determination of Phthalates in vegetables by GPC–GCMS ASMS 2016 WP 213 Xi ZHANG1, Guixiang YANG1, Jun FAN2, Taohong HUANG2 1 2 Shimadzu (China) CO.LTD, beijing; Shimadzu (China) CO.LTD, shanghai Determination of Phthalates in vegetables by GPC–GCMS Introduction Phthalates (PAEs)…
Klíčová slova
phthalates, phthalatesgpc, gpcgcms, gcmsvegetables, vegetablespaes, paesdetermination, determinationtemperature, temperaturediprp, diprpdipp, dippdprp, dprpcolumn, columndphp, dphpbmpp, bmppdhxp, dhxpdmep
Analysis of Plasticizer Contaminants in Beverages and Milk using an Automated System Based on Turbulent-flow Chromatography Coupled to LC-MS/MS
2011|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
Method: 52251 Analysis of Plasticizer Contaminants in Beverages and Milk using an Automated System Based on Turbulent-flow Chromatography Coupled to LC-MS/MS Ebru Ates, Klaus Mittendorf, Thermo Fisher Scientific Food Safety Response Center, Dreieich, Germany 1. Schematic of Method Key Words…
Klíčová slova
plasticizer, plasticizeraldrich, aldrichsigma, sigmastep, stepmilk, milkplasticizers, plasticizerstlx, tlxphthalates, phthalatesbitter, bitterdidp, didpbbzp, bbzplemon, lemonrec, recdeha, dehagrad