Determination of PAH in Seafood: Optimized Sample Preparation Procedures for LC-Fluorescence Screening and GC-MS(MS) Confirmation
Postery | 2011 | WatersInstrumentace
GC/MSD, GC/MS/MS, Příprava vzorků, GC/QQQ, HPLC
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství
VýrobceAgilent Technologies, Waters
Klíčová slovapah, cleanup, benzo, fluorescence, quechers, analysis, extract, fluoranthene, pyrene, dispersive, rec, confirmation, anthracene, preparation, spe, sample, provides, protocol, rsd, acenaphthene, hrysene, fluorene, perform, phenanthrene, screening, straightforward, action, strategy, finfish, naphthalene, ompound, oysters, oyster, gulf, exchange, sit, disque, spill, shellfish, collision, shrimp, related, coal, ave, effective, reproducibility, demonstrated, results, limit, sep
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1Figure 1. ACQUITY UPLC H-Class System with FLR.Ensuring Seafood Safety with Rapid Screening for Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons Using LC-Fluorescence
Ensuring Seafood Safety with Rapid Screening for Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons Using LC-Fluorescence Mark E. Benvenuti, Jennifer Burgess Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA A P P L I C AT I O N B E N E F I T S ■■…
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benzo, benzofluoranthene, fluorantheneanthracene, anthracenepyrene, pyrenebenza, benzarecovery, recoveryseafood, seafoodacenaphthene, acenaphthenefluorene, fluorenephenanthrene, phenanthrenechrysene, chrysenersd, rsdnaphthalene, naphthalenespike, spikefluorescence
Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil with Agilent Bond Elut HPLC-FLD
2012|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil with Agilent Bond Elut HPLC-FLD Application Note Environmental Authors Abstract Bellah O. Pule, Lesego C. Mmualefe, An HPLC-Florescence Detection (FLD) method was developed and validated for the Nelson Torto determination of sixteen polycyclic…
Klíčová slova
benzo, benzosoil, soilfluoranthene, fluoranthenepyrene, pyreneacenaphthylene, acenaphthylenepahs, pahsfld, fldelut, elutextraction, extractionpah, pahanthracene, anthracenebond, bondaoac, aoacquechers, quecherssixteen
Fully Automated, Trace-Level Determination of Parent and Alkylated PAHs in Environmental Waters by Online SPE-LC-APPI-MS/MS
2014|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
Cesar E. Ramirez1, Chengtao Wang1, Piero R. Gardinali1, Jennifer Massi2, Jonathan Beck2 1 Florida International University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, North Miami Beach, FL 2 Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA Key Words Online SPE, dopant-assisted APPI, seawater, reclaimed…
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Advanced Analytical Technologies for Analyzing Environmental Matrixes Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Sample Preparations
2010|Agilent Technologies|Prezentace
Sample Preparations Advanced Analytical Technologies for Chemistries and Supplies Analyzing Environmental Division Matrixes Contaminated with Petroleum Joan M. Stevens, Ph.D. Hydrocarbons Sample Preparation Application Chemist July, 08, 2010 1 June 2010 Outline • Legislation and Established procedures – FDA and…
Klíčová slova
quechers, quechersfluoranthene, fluoranthenebenzo, benzoqqq, qqqpyrene, pyreneseafood, seafoodnoaa, noaapahs, pahsanthracene, anthracenebenz, benzhydrocarbons, hydrocarbonsfda, fdabackflushing, backflushingperylene, peryleneratios