Simplify your speciation analysis: Metrohm ion chromatography meets Agilent ICP-MS

Ion chromatography (IC) hyphenated with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) – IC-ICP-MS is the preferred solution for speciation analyses of trace elements such as chromium, arsenic, selenium, or mercury.
In this webinar we focus on some key features of the integration of Metrohm IC with Agilent’s MassHunter software for ICP-MS. Based on practical examples such as chromium speciation according to ISO 24384, we demonstrate the benefits of bi-directional communication, real-time status updates, and a single, consolidated sample list streamlining your trace elemental analysis with a single-software solution.
Key learnings of this webinar:
- Learn why IC is the method of choice for the separation of ionic components for subsequent quantification with ICP-MS
- Explore the features that make Agilent ICP-MS a superior choice for speciation analysis
- Understand the streamlined workflow for chromium speciation according to ISO 24384 using MassHunter ICP-MS
- Understand the added value of inline sample preparation techniques available with Metrohm IC
Who should attend?
- Laboratory managers, analytical chemists, researchers doing trace elemental analysis
Presenter: Dr. Elke Süss (Application Specialist Ion Chromatography, Metrohm International Headquarters)
Elke Süss received a M.Sc. in Geoecology and a Ph.D. in Environmental Geochemistry in 2011 from Bayreuth University, Germany. After a position as laboratory manager at Bayreuth University, she worked as a Research Assistant and then PostDoc at ETH Zürich and Eawag focusing on trace elemental speciation and has more than 10 years of experience with IC-ICP-MS in this field. In 2018, she joined the Ion Chromatography team at Metrohm International Headquarters in Switzerland as an Application Specialist.
Presenter: Andrew Brotherhood (Atomic Spectroscopy Application Engineer, Agilent UK)
Andrew has over 15 years’ hands-on experience with ICP-MS, ICP-OES and Ion chromatography instrumentation. He has mainly worked in the pharmaceutical analysis industry gaining significant experience with developing and validating methods to pharma regulations.
Andrew started working for Agilent as a full-time employee in January 2018 working as an Atomic Spectroscopy Application Engineer based at the Agilent Centre of Excellence in the UK.