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Fast LC/MS/MS Analytical Method with Alternate Column Regeneration for the Analysis of 125 Various Drugs and Their Metabolites in Urine in Clinical Research


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Fast Screening Method for 86 Forensic Analytes in Human Urine using the QTRAP® 4500 LC-MS/MS System
Fast Screening Method for 86 Forensic Analytes in Human Urine using the QTRAP® 4500 LC-MS/MS System Holly McCall, Xiang He, and Alexandre Wang SCIEX, 1201 Radio Rd, Redwood City, CA 94065, USA Overview This technical note introduces the rapid screening…
Klíčová slova
alpha, alphacxp, cxpfentanyl, fentanyltapentadol, tapentadolems, emsurine, urinebuphedrone, buphedronemitragynine, mitragyninescheduled, scheduledhydroxymidazolam, hydroxymidazolamdesmethyldoxepin, desmethyldoxepinnorhydrocodone, norhydrocodonesufentanil, sufentanilnorpropoxyphene, norpropoxypheneppp
Comprehensive LC/MS Analysis of Opiates, Opioids, Benzodiazepines, Amphetamines, Illicits, and Metabolites in Urine
Comprehensive LC/MS Analysis of Opiates, Opioids, Benzodiazepines, Amphetamines, Illicits, and Metabolites in Urine Application Note Forensic Toxicology Abstract This application note demonstrates that the Agilent 6420 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS system can be used to simultaneously analyze a wide variety of…
Klíčová slova
positive, positiveunit, unityes, yesret, retdesmethyltramadol, desmethyltramadolhydrocodone, hydrocodonenaltrexone, naltrexonemorphine, morphinecodeine, codeinehydromorphone, hydromorphonecpd, cpdfrag, fragcarisoprodol, carisoprodolmethamphetamine, methamphetamineoxymorphone
Forensic Screening for Drugs in Urine Using High-Resolution MS/MS Spectra and Simplified High-Performance Screening Software
Ap plica t ion Note 61 6 Forensic Screening for Drugs in Urine Using High-Resolution MS/MS Spectra and Simplified High-Performance Screening Software Marta Kozak, Kristine Van Natta, Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA Key Words Q Exactive Focus, ToxFinder, forensic…
Klíčová slova
isotopic, isotopicpattern, patternmatching, matchingtoxfinder, toxfinderfull, fulllod, loddesmethyl, desmethylglucuronide, glucuronidehydroxy, hydroxylibrary, librarycyclobenzaprine, cyclobenzaprineanalyte, analyteexactive, exactivenordiazepam, nordiazepambufotenine
A Comprehensive Method for the Analysis of Pain Management Drugs  and Drugs of Abuse Incorporating Simplified, Rapid Mixed-Mode SPE  with UPLC-MS/MS for Forensic Toxicology
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] A Comprehensive Method for the Analysis of Pain Management Drugs and Drugs of Abuse Incorporating Simplified, Rapid Mixed-Mode SPE with UPLC-MS/MS for Forensic Toxicology Jonathan P. Danaceau, Scott Freeto, and Lisa J. Calton Waters Corporation, Milford,…
Klíčová slova
ine, inedrugs, drugszola, zolapain, painpvp, pvpzep, zepabuse, abusenit, nitmean, meantramadol, tramadolalpha, alphaiaz, iazflu, flumanagement, managementcomprehensive
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