Fast Screening Method for 86 Forensic Analytes in Human Urine using the QTRAP® 4500 LC-MS/MS System
Aplikace | 2017 | SCIEXInstrumentace
ZaměřeníForenzní analýza a toxikologie
Klíčová slovaalpha, cxp, tapentadol, fentanyl, ems, urine, buphedrone, mitragynine, scheduled, hydroxymidazolam, norhydrocodone, sufentanil, methedrone, desmethyldoxepin, norpropoxyphene, ppp, cyclobenzaprine, desmethyltramadol, carisoprodol, norcodeine, noroxycodone, pvp, mdpv, methylone, ritalinic, hydroxyalprazolam, normeperidine, hydroxytriazolam, naltrexone, pregabalin, enhanced, propoxyphene, mephedrone, meprobamate, protriptyline, qtrap, desalkylflurazepam, analytes, naloxone, gabapentin, norbuprenorphine, clomipramine, methylphenidate, dihydrocodeine, mrm, data, norfentanyl, cotinine, doxepin, desipramine
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Rapid and Sensitive Analysis of a 93-Compound Forensic Panel in Urine using the QTRAP®/Triple Quad™ 4500 LC-MS/MS System
Rapid and Sensitive Analysis of a 93-Compound Forensic Panel in Urine using the QTRAP®/Triple Quad™ 4500 LCMS/MS System Xiang He,1 Casey Burrows1, Matthew Noestheden2, Michael Jarvis,2 Adrian Taylor,2 and Alexandre Wang1 1 2 SCIEX, 1201 Radio Rd, Redwood City, CA…
Klíčová slova
cxp, cxpmrm, mrmsciex, sciexfentanyl, fentanylscheduled, scheduledexionlc, exionlcanalyte, analytecompounds, compoundsalpha, alphaxics, xicsmin, minmrms, mrmscooh, coohthc, thcnegative
Rapid and Sensitive Analysis of a 93-Compound Forensic Panel in Urine
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Rapid and Sensitive Analysis of a 93-Compound Forensic Panel in Urine Xiang He1, Casey Burrows1, Matthew Noestheden2, Michael Jarvis2, Adrian Taylor2, and Alexandre Wang1 1201 Radio Rd, Redwood City, CA…
Klíčová slova
cxp, cxpalpha, alphaurine, urinepanel, panelcompounds, compoundsfentanyl, fentanylmrms, mrmssciex, sciexanalyte, analytemrm, mrmexionlctm, exionlctmforensic, forensicbuphedrone, buphedronedesmethyltapentadol, desmethyltapentadolmitragynine
Tomorrow’s quantitation with LC-MS/MS: fast screening and quantitation of drugs of abuse in urine for forensic toxicology
2018|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
TECHNICAL NOTE 65182 Tomorrow’s quantitation with LC-MS/MS: fast screening and quantitation of drugs of abuse in urine for forensic toxicology Authors Kevin McHale, Kerry Hassell, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Somerset, NJ Claudia Martins, Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA Debadeep Bhattacharyya,…
Klíčová slova
abuse, abuseisomers, isomersquantis, quantisdrugs, drugsbuprenorphine, buprenorphinetsq, tsqquantitation, quantitationurine, urinelens, lensmin, minprecursor, precursoroffered, offereddextrophan, dextrophanwindow, windowvanquish
VITATOX: SCIEX LC-MS/MS systémy a využití technologie QTRAP v klinické diagnostice
SCIEX LC-MS/MS systémy a využití technologie QTRAP® v klinické diagnostice František Laštovička - AMEDIS, 29.5.2023 VitaTox 2023 1 RUO-MKT-11-11650-C RUO-MKT-11-11650-C 2020DH DHTech. Tech.Dev. Dev.Pte. Pte.Ltd. Ltd. ©©2020 SCIEX mass spectrometry portfolio: 2023 SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems Triple Quad…
Klíčová slova
qtrap, qtrapems, emsepi, epimrm, mrmscreening, screeningscan, scanconfirmation, confirmationaldosterone, aldosteroneunknown, unknownenhanced, enhancedhair, hairlibrary, librarysciex, sciextarget, targetinterferences