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Development of Un-targeted Screening Method for Detection of Synthetic PDE-5 Inhibitors and Analogues Adulterated in Health Supplements on LCMS-IT-TOF
PO-CON1538E Development of Un-targeted Screening Method for Detection of Synthetic PDE-5 Inhibitors and Analogues Adulterated in Health Supplements on LCMS-IT-TOF ASMS 2015 TP102 Jie Xing1, Dinash Aravind2, Zhe Sun1, Ang May Yen3 and Zhaoqi Zhan1 1 Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte…
Klíčová slova
event, eventnortadalafil, nortadalafiltadalafil, tadalafilvardenafil, vardenafilcompds, compdslcms, lcmssupplements, supplementsacetildenafil, acetildenafiltof, tofadulterated, adulteratedtargeted, targetedmulti, multiscreening, screeningaminotadalafil, aminotadalafilchloropretadalafil
Sample Prep for Trace Analysis of Adulterants in Erectile Dysfunction Dietary Supplements
Sample Prep for Trace Analysis of Adulterants in Erectile Dysfunction Dietary Supplements Application Note Food Testing & Agriculture Author Introduction Derick Lucas The dietary supplement industry is rapidly growing at a 5.5% annual rate with annual sales of almost $5.6…
Klíčová slova
icariin, icariinyohimbine, yohimbinevardenafil, vardenafiltadalafil, tadalafilsildenafil, sildenafilcounts, countsquechers, quechersplexa, plexaresponses, responseselut, elutbond, bondrecovery, recoverysupplements, supplementsrsd, rsddietary
Detection and Identification of Synthetic Phosphodiesterase Type-5 Inhibitors in Adulterated Herbal Supplements Using UPLC and Data-Directed Analysis by Mass Spectrometry
Detection and Identification of Synthetic Phosphodiesterase Type-5 Inhibitors in Adulterated Herbal Supplements Using UPLC and Data-Directed Analysis by Mass Spectrometry Marian Twohig, Andrew Aubin, Michael Jones, and Robert S. Plumb Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA INT RODUC T ION There…
Klíčová slova
scanwave, scanwavetadalafil, tadalafilsildenafil, sildenafiltic, ticvardenafil, vardenafilhds, hdsadulteration, adulterationpatient, patientherbal, herbalsupposed, supposedsurvey, surveyxevo, xevouplc, uplcsynthetic, syntheticadulterated
Rapid Detection and Identification of Synthetic Phosphodiest erase Type-5 Inhibitors in Counterfeit and Adulterated Products using the Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe
R a p i d D e t e c t i o n a n d I d e n t i f i c at i o n o f S y n t h e t i…
Klíčová slova
sildenafil, sildenafiltadalafil, tadalafillegitimate, legitimatebrand, brandvardenafil, vardenafilimitation, imitationherbal, herbaltablet, tabletasap, asapatmospheric, atmosphericadulteration, adulterationinternet, internetcounterfeiting, counterfeitinghds, hdsdrugs
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.