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Unravelling Tissue Complexity in Samples of Human Inflammatory Bowel Disease Using Imaging Mass Spectrometry


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Identification of Lipid Biomarkers of Human Inflammatory Bowel Disease Using Imaging Mass Spectrometry
PO-CON1759E Identification of Lipid Biomarkers of Human Inflammatory Bowel Disease Using Imaging Mass Spectrometry ASMS 2017 ThP-484 Ekta Patel1*, Simona Salivo1, Roberto Fernández2, Joan Bestard-Escalas3, Jone Garate2, Albert Maimó-Barceló3, Daniel H. López3, Sam Khorrami3,4, Daniel Ginard3,4, Gwendolyn Barceló-Coblijn3, and José…
Klíčová slova
bowel, bowelimaging, imagingdisease, diseaseinflammatory, inflammatorybiomarkers, biomarkerslipid, lipidrois, roislamina, laminapropria, propriaibd, ibdhuman, humanidentification, identificationspectrometry, spectrometrycrc, crcmass
[ APPLICATION NOTEBOOK ] MS IMAGING AND AMBIENT IONIZATION-MS FOR METABOLOMICS AND LIPIDOMICS 1 This notebook is an excerpt from the larger Waters’ Application Notebook on Metabolomics and Lipidomics #720005245EN TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Introduction 4 Biomarker Discovery Directly from…
Klíčová slova
imaging, imagingtissue, tissuemaldi, maldidesi, desihdi, hdisection, sectionmobility, mobilitydefinition, definitionion, ionhdms, hdmsbiomarker, biomarkerimage, imagexenograph, xenographdesorption, desorptionionization
MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging Reveals Distinct Spatio-Molecular Phospholipid Distributions in Mouse Lungs
MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging Reveals Distinct Spatio-Molecular Phospholipid Distributions in Mouse Lungs While phospholipids play key roles in lung physiology and pathology, the complex composition and function of the lipidome in the lungs is poorly understood. We applied MALDI mass…
Klíčová slova
imaging, imagingtissue, tissuelungs, lungsimages, imagesmaldi, maldiphospholipids, phospholipidsdistributions, distributionslung, lungwere, werenegative, negativeion, ionpositive, positivescils, scilsspatial, spatialbruker
Bruker MRMS Applications Handbook
Bruker MRMS Applications Handbook
MRMS Applications Handbook Cutting-Edge Research in MALDI Imaging, Metabolomics/Phenomics, Native MS and Petroleomics Innovation with Integrity MRMS Dear Mass Spec Customer, Thank you for your interest in Bruker's scimaX® and solariX-series instruments. Powered by MRMS (Magnetic Resonance Mass Spectrometry), this…
Klíčová slova
maldi, maldiimaging, imagingmrms, mrmsbruker, brukermass, masssolarix, solarixmolecular, molecularwere, werespectrometry, spectrometrytissue, tissuedaltonics, daltonicscontinually, continuallyreserves, reservesmetabolites, metabolitesicr
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.