Determination of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins and Tetrodotoxin in Shellfish using HILIC/MS/MS
Aplikace | 2019 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
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VýrobceAgilent Technologies
Klíčová slovashellfish, pst, ttx, toxins, saxitoxin, stx, dostx, were, nmol, method, analogs, acquisition, hilic, mrm, tetrodotoxin, toxin, dcneo, dcstx, parliament, min, paralytic, transitions, oso, neo, tef, counts, batch, standards, matrix, calibration, tissue, homogenate, using, responses, used, time, spe, official, calibrations, concnmol, decarbamoyl, mstx, sulfocarbamoyl, european, within, sample, neosaxitoxin, chromatographic, each, repeatability
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shellfish, shellfishttx, ttxparalytic, paralytictoxins, toxinsdostx, dostxpst, pstdcstx, dcstxuplc, uplctetrodotoxins, tetrodotoxinsstx, stxrsdr, rsdrdcneo, dcneoneo, neohorrat, horratanalogues
Simultaneous Determination of 14 Paralytic Shellfish Toxins using LC-MS/MS on the SCIEX QTRAP® 6500+ System
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psts, pstsshellfish, shellfishparalytic, paralytictoxins, toxinsdecarbamoylneosaxitoxin, decarbamoylneosaxitoxinneosaxitioxin, neosaxitioxindecarbamoylsaxitoxin, decarbamoylsaxitoxinsensitive, sensitivedcneo, dcneodcstx, dcstxneurotoxins, neurotoxinssaxitoxin, saxitoxinstx, stxmethod, methodarguments
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