Quantitative Analysis of Carbohydrates in Food Samples Using APCI-LC/MS with Post-column Reagent Addition and Ligand Exchange Chromatography
Aplikace | 2013 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství
Klíčová slovainisitol, glucose, fructose, myo, mannitol, galactose, sucrose, glycerol, ligand, post, carbohydrates, soya, apci, beverage, rhamnose, sake, ribose, addition, xylose, arabinose, sauce, sorbitol, twelve, food, drink, carbohydrate, exchange, sugars, method, column, soft, sheet, samples, asiapacific, cintech, chloroform, science, min, flow, news, reagent, mode, shimadzu, elution, interface, compounds, calibrant, powders, quantitative, analysis
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Quantitative Analysis of Carbohydrates and Artificial Sweeteners in Food Samples Using GFC- MS with APCI Interface and Post-column Reagent Addition
PO-CON1321E Quantitative Analysis of Carbohydrates and Artificial Sweeteners in Food Samples Using GFC- MS with APCI Interface and Post-column Reagent Addition ASMS 2013 TP 701 Jie Xing1, Yin Ling Chew*2, Zhe Sun1, Zhaoqi Zhan1 1 Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd,…
Klíčová slova
carbohydrates, carbohydratessweeteners, sweetenersgfc, gfcinisitol, inisitoldrink, drinkartificial, artificialsorbitol, sorbitolapci, apcimyo, myomaltitol, maltitolacesulfame, acesulfamesaccharin, saccharinsucrose, sucroseinterface, interfacepost
The determination of carbohydrates, alcohols, and glycols in fermentation broths
2019|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE 122 The determination of carbohydrates, alcohols, and glycols in fermentation broths Authors Valoran Hanko and Jeffrey S. Rohrer Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA, USA Keywords Dionex CarboPac MA1 column, Dionex CarboPac PA1 column, pulsed amperometric detection, PAD, high-performance…
Klíčová slova
fermentation, fermentationglycerol, glycerolerythritol, erythritolraffinose, raffinosebroth, brothrhamnose, rhamnosebroths, brothsarabinose, arabinosearabitol, arabitolgalactitol, galactitolsorbitol, sorbitolglucose, glucoselactose, lactoseribose, ribosegalactose
Carbohydrate in Coffee: AOAC Method 995.13 vs a New Fast Ion Chromatography Method
2014|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
Lipika Basumallick and Jeff Rohrer Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA, USA Introduction Brewed coffee has emerged as one of the most consumed beverages in the world.1 In addition, green coffee (unroasted beans) is one of the most traded agricultural commodities…
Klíčová slova
coffee, coffeecarbohydrates, carbohydratesbeans, beansgreen, greenarabinose, arabinoseinstant, instantfucose, fucosemannitol, mannitolxylose, xylosepad, padmannose, mannoseglucose, glucosesucrose, sucrosecarbohydrate, carbohydraterhamnose
Determination of Sugar Alcohols in Confections and Fruit Juices by High-Performance Anion-Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection
2016|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
Appli cat i on N ote 8 7 Determination of Sugar Alcohols in Confections and Fruit Juices by High-Performance Anion-Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Introduction Sugar alcohols are used in confectionary products because they impart…
Klíčová slova
sugar, sugaralcohols, alcoholspulsed, pulsedelectrode, electrodelog, logamperometric, amperometricxylitol, xylitolmyo, myominutes, minutesirreversible, irreversibleinositol, inositolsorbitol, sorbitolmannitol, mannitoldionex, dionexanion