Structural Analysis of Impurities in Pharmaceuticals Using Trap-Free 2D HPLC and the LCMS-9030
Aplikace | 2019 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
ZaměřeníFarmaceutická analýza
Klíčová slovaatorvastatin, impurity, impurities, mobile, nonvolatile, phase, noted, calcium, via, observed, theoretical, error, loop, hplc, ppm, trademarks, analysis, attributed, negative, volatile, positive, mode, capture, pharmaceuticals, respective, using, extruded, omission, listed, line, structural, flow, workbook, conditions, news, mass, vicinity, without, column, comparison, fractionated, pump, program, measurement, probability, pharmacopoeia, contained, investigating, including, were
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Structural Analysis of Impurities in Pharmaceuticals Using Trap-Free 2D HPLC and the LCMSTM -9030
LAAN-A-LM-E155 Application News No. C185 LC/MS Structural Analysis of Impurities in Pharmaceuticals Using Trap-Free 2D HPLC and the LCMSTM-9030 Management and confirmation of the type, quantity, and safety of trace impurities contained in products are important points for ensuring the…
Klíčová slova
atorvastatin, atorvastatinimpurity, impurityimpurities, impuritiesmobile, mobilenonvolatile, nonvolatilephase, phasenoted, notedcalcium, calciumvia, viaobserved, observedtheoretical, theoreticalerror, errorloop, loophplc, hplcppm
Structural analysis of impurities in pharmaceutical ingredients using trap-free 2D-LC high-resolution accurate mass spectrometry
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Klíčová slova
structural, structuralimpurities, impuritiespharmaceutical, pharmaceuticalmobile, mobilespectrometry, spectrometryphase, phasevolatile, volatilemass, massqtof, qtofcapture, captureanalysis, analysisfractionated, fractionatedloops, loopsirreplaceable, irreplaceablenon
Analysis of Impurities in Pharmaceutical Ingredients Using Trap-Free Two-Dimensional HPLC and Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS (LCMS-8040)
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Klíčová slova
rabeprazole, rabeprazolemobile, mobilephase, phaseprincipal, principalimpurities, impuritiesvolatile, volatileloop, loopflowrate, flowratemass, masspump, pumpcapture, capturedimensional, dimensionalusing, usinghplc, hplccomplication
Shimadzu LC World Talk 2011 Issue 1
C190-E149 2011 Issue 1 LC World Talk SHIMADZU'S NEWSLETTER FOR THE HPLC GLOBAL COMMUNITY Shimadzu Introduces the LCMS-8030, the World’s Fastest Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer n n LCMS-8030 Ultra Fast Tandem Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer, The Next Generation of Mass Spectrometer…
Klíčová slova
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