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Thermo Scientific Q Exactive UHMR Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer


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Advancing native top-down MS analysis of non-covalent protein complexes: The Thermo Scientific Q Exactive UHMR mass spectrometer
TECHNICAL NOTE 65379 Advancing native top-down MS analysis of non-covalent protein complexes: The Thermo Scientific Q Exactive UHMR mass spectrometer Authors Eugen Damoc, Kyle Fort, Maria Reinhardt-Szyba, Mikhail Belov, Alexander Makarov; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany Rosa Viner; Thermo Fisher…
Klíčová slova
uhmr, uhmrnative, nativeabundance, abundancerelative, relativemass, massexactive, exactivesubunits, subunitsprotein, proteintop, topdown, downspectrometer, spectrometerions, ionsflatapole, flatapoleorbitrap, orbitrapheteromeric
Advances in Orbitrap Instrumentation for Native Top-Down Analysis of Non-Covalent Protein Complexes
Advances in Orbitrap Instrumentation for Native Top-Down Analysis of Non-Covalent Protein Complexes Eugen Damoc1, Rosa Viner2, Albert Konijnenberg3, Kyle Fort1, Maria Reinhardt-Szyba1, Mikhail Belov1, Alexander Makarov1. 1Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany; 2Thermo Scientific, San Jose, CA; 3Thermo Fisher Scientific, Eindhoven,…
Klíčová slova
abundance, abundancenative, nativerelative, relativeheteromeric, heteromericflatapole, flatapoleprotein, proteincomplexes, complexesdown, downassemblies, assembliestop, tophomomeric, homomericmass, massuhmr, uhmrorbitrap, orbitrapfragmentation
Thermo Scientific Direct Mass Technology mode
Thermo Scientific Direct Mass Technology mode
2022|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
Mass spectrometry clarity Decipher complexity with clarity Reveal biomolecular signatures with unprecedented detail Thermo Scientific Direct Mass Technology mode Resolve complexity, achieve macromolecular clarity with the Direct Mass Technology mode Thermo Scientific™ Direct Mass Technology™ mode redefines mass spectrometry by…
Klíčová slova
stori, storimass, massdirect, directcharge, chargetechnology, technologyuhmr, uhmrmode, modevisualization, visualizationprocessing, processingstoriboard, storiboardspectrum, spectrumhundreds, hundredsexactive, exactiveslopes, slopescalibration
Thermo Scientific Q Exactive UHMR Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer - PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Q Exactive UHMR Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer Delivering unmatched identification and characterization Keywords Orbitrap technology, Q Exactive family, accurate mass, high resolution, native ms, ultra-high mass range Benefits • U  ltra-high mass range up to m/z 80,000…
Klíčová slova
uhmr, uhmrtrapping, trappingorbitrap, orbitrapexactive, exactivemass, masstransmission, transmissionhcd, hcdion, ionsource, sourceaqt, aqtquadrupole, quadrupolenanospray, nanosprayadvanced, advancedflow, flowhyperquad
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.