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Enhanced FT for Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry


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Developments in Orbitrap mass spectrometry on a modified Tribrid mass spectrometer
Developments in Orbitrap mass spectrometry on a modified Tribrid mass spectrometer Jesse Canterbury1, Graeme McAlister1, Michael Senko1, Romain Huguet1, Aaron Robitaille1, Arne Kreutzmann2, Konstantin Aizikov2, Dmitry Grinfeld2, and Alexander Makarov2 1Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, California, USA; 2Thermo Fisher Scientific,…
Klíčová slova
φsdm, φsdmtmt, tmtfft, fftphisdm, phisdmelectrode, electrodetrap, traporbitrap, orbitrappressure, pressurecentral, centralmagnitude, magnitudeion, iondecay, decaylowered, loweredvoltage, voltageions
Rapid Proteome Analysis Using DIA and Super-Resolution Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry
Rapid Proteome Analysis Using DIA and Super-Resolution Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry Sophia Steigerwald1; Lili Niu2; Kyle Fort3; Arne Kreutzmann3; Daniel Marc Mourad3; Konstantin Aizikov3; Dmitry Grinfeld3; Alexander A. Makarov3; Florian Meier1,4; Matthias Mann1, 2 Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Planegg, Germany;…
Klíčová slova
φsdm, φsdmeft, eftdia, diacycle, cycletime, timetransient, transientsuper, supergroups, groupsproteome, proteomeseconds, secondsprotein, proteindirectdia, directdiaorbitrap, orbitrapmass, massresolution
Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry: Ultrahigh Resolution for Every Lab
Symposium: New Alternatives in HighResolution Mass Spectrometry Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry: Ultrahigh Resolution for Every Lab Alexander Makarov March 14, 2012 What is Orbitrap™ analyzer? Orbitrap analyzer = = Orbital trapping + Image current detection + Electrodynamic squeezing + External pulsed…
Klíčová slova
orbitrap, orbitrapabundance, abundancerelative, relativehcd, hcdions, ionsanalyzer, analyzertrap, trapltq, ltqvelos, velospreamplifier, preamplifiermass, masshigh, hightic, ticmakarov, makarovfrequency
Orbitrap Exploris Isotope Solutions: Using multiple microscans to enhance precision and accuracy for the ratios of minor isotopologues
Technical note | 002087 Isotope ratio MS Orbitrap Exploris Isotope Solutions: Using multiple microscans to enhance precision and accuracy for the ratios of minor isotopologues Authors Introduction Nils Kuhlbusch, Andreas Hilkert, For highly precise and accurate isotope ratio measurements using…
Klíčová slova
isotope, isotopeeft, eftmicroscans, microscansorbitrap, orbitrapisotopologues, isotopologuesratio, ratioexploris, explorismicroscan, microscansulfate, sulfatesubstitutions, substitutionsmultiple, multiplemass, massisox, isoxisotopologue, isotopologuediscussed
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.