Application Notebook - Solutions for Food Safety
Příručky | 2017 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
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Klíčová slovaesi, mrm, esiesi, news, transitions, fipronil, sulfone, compound, library, spectrum, methyl, screening, fertilizer, method, pesticide, min, acid, matrix, thiocyanate, without, analysis, deoxynivalenol, area, mode, using, extraction, ethyl, fertilizers, veterinary, mycotoxin, system, solution, ionisation, high, food, were, sfe, reporting, flowrate, false, antimicrobials, preservatives, including, column, ion, mycotoxins, bpr, acetamiprid, standard, fragment
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Solutions for Flexible Work Styles LCMS Food Safety Applications
C146-E421 Solutions for Flexible Work Styles LCMS Food Safety Applications Good morning. A new day of LC/MS analysis begins with "Analytical Intelligence" Combining Shimazu LCMS™ with the Nexera™ Series, the "Analytical Intelligence" functions offer a flexible workflow from instrument preparation…
Klíčová slova
esi, esimrm, mrmesiesi, esiesitransitions, transitionsmethyl, methylspectrum, spectrumcompound, compoundchloramphenicol, chloramphenicolsulfone, sulfonelibrary, librarydeoxynivalenol, deoxynivalenolanalysis, analysismode, modepesticide, pesticidemin
Complete compilation of applications for food analysis
C10G-E072 Food Safety Booklet Complete compilation of applications for food analysis Food Safety Booklet Complete compilation of applications for food analysis Click on the icons to navigate Total Solutions for Food Analysis Advanced Technologies & Techniques Applications Additional Resources Approach…
Klíčová slova
esi, esimrm, mrmfood, foodanalysis, analysisnews, newsmethod, methodmilk, milkloq, loqusing, usingunit, unitsample, samplearea, areapcr, pcrpork, porkcompound
Applying ‘MRM Spectrum Mode’ and Library Searching for Enhanced Reporting Confidence in Routine Pesticide Residue Analysis
2017|Shimadzu|Technické články
LAAN-A-LM-E124 Application News No. Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Applying ‘MRM Spectrum Mode’ and Library Searching for Enhanced Reporting Confidence in Routine Pesticide Residue Analysis C154 David R. Baker1, Chris Titman1, Jonathan Horner2, Neil Loftus1 1 Shimadzu Corporation, UK; 2Scientific Analysis…
Klíčová slova
mrm, mrmspectrum, spectrumesi, esitransitions, transitionslibrary, libraryfalse, falsefragment, fragmentreporting, reportingpesticide, pesticidecarbendazim, carbendazimdesmedipham, desmediphamnumber, numbercompound, compoundsearchable, searchablehigher
Expanding Capabilities in Multi-Residue Pesticide Analysis Using The LCMS-8060
LAAN-A-LM-E107A Application News C136A No. Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Expanding Capabilities in Multi-Residue Pesticide Analysis Using The LCMS-8060 David R. Baker1, Laëtitia Fages2, Eric Capodanno2, Neil Loftus1 Shimadzu Corporation, UK; 2Phytocontrol, France 1 n Abstract With an increasing global population,…
Klíčová slova
dipropetryn, dipropetrynarea, areanews, newsprobenazole, probenazolemrm, mrmsulfone, sulfonepesticide, pesticidethiofanox, thiofanoxmatrix, matrixpesticides, pesticidesresidue, residuequantitation, quantitationtomato, tomatoratio, ratiolibrary